Surprise! Surprise! As an all too common occurrence this season, (par for the course), the Frenchman’s Creek Ladies’ Golf Association closing tournament and luncheon, originally scheduled for April 20, had to be postponed due to a dire weather forecast. Fortunately, Tuesday, April 27 turned out to be a beautiful day for a very successful event. Although some women had to cancel out of the tournament, others who couldn’t have played on the original date were able to participate. Almost 150 ladies were able to enjoy a lovely day. With a 9:30 shotgun start, the format of the tournament was a 9-hole ABCD step-aside scramble, divided into four flights completely covering both courses. Golf was followed by a wonderful luncheon on the driving range, in perfect weather, with a delicious creative menu. Golf director JR greeted everyone and thanked all involved in the day and season. President Ellen Goldstein spoke about the year and thanked her board, the pros and the staff. She introduced the incoming executive board: President: Lisette Siegel Vice President: Mary Anne Bartfield Secretary: Suzanne Speiser Treasurer: Marjorie Feld Tournament Co-chairs: Dottie Kovel and Bonnie Shyer ML Cocci introduced all the winners of the various tournaments this season. Also introduced were this years’ new members of the league. And congratulations went to the most improved golfer of the season – Lauren Rubin. Many thanks to Chef Ernesto and Martina and their staffs for all the effort put into the luncheon arrangements and the delicious food. Many thanks and appreciation to the luncheon co-chairs Sharon Rochlin and Mary Anne Bartfield for doing a super job. And of course ditto to our outgoing president and executive board and wonderful golf staff (with special kudos to Kim) for the amazing job they did this crazy season in keeping things going and managing to have successful golf days and special tournaments. Let’s hope next year is more normal and just as successful. The winners were: NORTH FRONT 1st MaryAnne Bartfield , June Garson, Barbara Wiener 2nd Sandi Lamm, Barbara Wildstein, Roslyn Nissman 3rd Lisette Siegel, Joan Mopper, Susan Shaw


Kathy Azeez, Sandi Hoffman, Marlene Grad, Beverly Halpert Connie Forman, Joanne Weinbach, Marcia Levy, Susan Wendkos Cindy Kaplan, Gale Salz, Wendy Weinstein, Elaine Sussman




Shelley Parker, Mady Friedman, Jane Yarian, JudyWeiss Bonnie Shyer, Anita Fishbein, Iris Arest, Sherry Norris Sharon Strongin, Lois Stern, Norma Lippman, Melanie Lipson




Debra Greenberg, Cheryl Turchin, Georgianna Cotton ,Sandy Glassman


Wendy Grabler, Terry Capazzi, Barbara Sidel, Diane Exter


Dr. Merle Rose Monsein, Carol Smith, Joan Simmons, Nancy Scher

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