In the March 2021 edition, the Runner-Up Women’s Golf Championship was not correct. Our congratulations to the correct WOMEN’S GOLF CHAMPION Runner-Up LINDA ROBINS.

Article in March 2021 addendum

Thanks to: Judy and Mark Jaffee Andrea Finkel Lauren Goloboy Rosa Myers Barbara Stern Barbara Wiener Nancy and Peter Berkley


Thanks to our members who participated in the Literacy Coalition Adult Essay Read of 150 Essays in March. The names of our members who read and commentated on the essays were inadvertently omitted in the article.

KENNY JAYSON, pictured in the middle had his Hole-In- One on Saturday, April 10, 2021 on number 15 of the North Course. It played at 155 yards.

LIAM EGAN has his first Hole-In- One on Friday, April 23, 2021. It was on number 5 of the South Course and played at 160 yards.

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Frenchman’s Softball team 2020-2021

What a great time we had every month playing softball with this great group of competitive, and happy group of Frenchman’s Creek Members and Staff softball team.

We want to thank Saul Kravecas for being a great Team Captain!

Names starting from the left

Joel Leavitt, Arnold Mazur, Arnold Kanarick, Tom Aveni, Richard Florin, Karen Allen, Saul Kravecas, Kim Winn, Connie Forman, Jack Lewis, Jana Spiess, Kristen, Jonathan Nelson, Arthur Learner, Yuri, Mark, Sari Zubatkin! Missing in the picture are Tikky, Patrick Allen, and Kerri Iris!

Thank you to all that PLAYED, all the LAUGHS, and for all the GREAT HITS! Looking forward to next season!

Also if anyone wants to join the FC Softball team, men and women, please contact us in the tennis shop for next season!

Thank you again to all that played!

Kristen Wertenberger and Tikky Srreud

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FLIGHT 1 1st

Judith Konigsberg, Lisette Siegel, Kathy Azeez, Marnie Grossberg Andrea Finkel, Sharon Rochlin, Mary Cocci Leslie Skolnick, Candy Scherer, Carol West, Ronni Grebow

2nd TIE

FLIGHT 2 1st

Marlene Grad, Grace Drusinsky, Joan Parks, Georgianna Cotton


Lauren Rubin, Marjorie Feinstein, Jeri Jacobs, Amy Barovick

FLIGHT 3 1st

Judy Rubin, Beth Fentin, Anne Neustadter, Joan Sclar


Mimi Bergel, Sandy Glassman, Susan Ludwig, Dee Topol 9 HOLERS


Marjorie Yashar, Joan Schwartzman, Theresa Capazzi


Ellen Rosenman, Marcy Sanders, Robin Rothenberg, Arlene Caplan


Mady Friedman, Ronnie Gallina, Toni Smith, June Garson

2nd TIE

Nina Botel, Nancy Scher, Rhoda Edelman Linda Dolen, Sherry Norris, Phyllis Gross

TUESDAY, April 13, 2021 18 Holers FLIGHT 1 1st

Sharon Strongin, Carol West, Lisette Siegel, Candy Scherer Cynthia Kaplan, Barbara Field, Kathy Azeez, Ronni Grebow Jana Spiess, Leslie Skolnick, Jane Feinstein

2nd TIE

FLIGHT 2 1st

Linda Pack, Sandra Myrow, Marlene Grad, Evelyn Gutkin Wendy Maurer, Jeri Jacobs, Roslyn Nissman Susan Davis, June Garson, Dottie Kovel, Wendy Weinstein

2nd TIE

FLIGHT 3 1st

Alice Bael, Beth Fentin, Helene Dubow


Betsy Bernstein, Carol Pulver, Roz Fanaroff, Mimi Bergel


Joan Mopper, Sheila Babich, Robyn Rosenblatt, Gail Kaltman 9 HOLERS


Cheryl Turchin, Carol Zazik, Sarajane Goldstein, Joan Simmons


Rhoda Edelman, Chris Handler, Esther Glasser


Linda Dolen, Norma Glazer, Cindi Schwartz, Joan Schwartzman


Theresa Capazzi, Arlene Caplan, Patti Raber, Donna Smolens

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The Ladies’ Eclectic Tournament for the 2020-2021 season was held as a two day Tournament on Tuesday, April 6 and Thursday, April 8. More than 80 ladies partici- pated as twosomes in the event. The format for the first day was the better ball net of the partners on each hole. The format for the second day was quite different. It was the Chapman format. Both ladies hit a drive and then each hit from the other’s drive. The better of the second shot was then chosen and hit by the partner. The la- dies alternated hitting the ball for the rest of the hole. The winners of each flight are listed below: FLIGHT 1 1st Jane Feinstein, Shelley Parker 2nd Cindy Kaplan, Dawn Burcham FLIGHT 2 1st Nancy Berkley, Andrea Finkel 2nd Sharon Rochlin, Suzanne Speiser FLIGHT 3 1st Carol Abrams, Iris Arest 2nd Joanne Weinbach, Linda R Epstein



Roberta Selzer, Ronnie Gallina


Carrol Zazik, Barbara Ilsen

Welcome to our two new baby Osprey! What makes this so exciting is that last year in a terrible wind storm, the branch holding the nest broke and down came the eggs. None survived! The Osprey-parents, this year, made their nest on the platform provided by Wes Dillard, our golf course superintendent, in a tall tree between the eighth and ninth holes on our South course. The two Osprey eggs hatched about a month ago, but the

baby birds were too little to be seen over the top of the nest. According to our member and bird expert, Dr. Burt Greenberg, in another month the babies will be old enough to fly off -- with their mom and dad -- to new places. Until then, the parents will continue to feed fish to the babies from the pond in front of our ninth green. Many thanks to Burt Greenberg who also helped Frenchman's Creek's Volunteer Match Program produce a video about the birds at Frenchman's Creek. The video is now available to Palm Beach County schools for use in elementary schools and bird clubs in the junior and senior high schools.

We thank Nancy Berkley for this article.

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Surprise! Surprise! As an all too common occurrence this season, (par for the course), the Frenchman’s Creek Ladies’ Golf Association closing tournament and luncheon, originally scheduled for April 20, had to be postponed due to a dire weather forecast. Fortunately, Tuesday, April 27 turned out to be a beautiful day for a very successful event. Although some women had to cancel out of the tournament, others who couldn’t have played on the original date were able to participate. Almost 150 ladies were able to enjoy a lovely day. With a 9:30 shotgun start, the format of the tournament was a 9-hole ABCD step-aside scramble, divided into four flights completely covering both courses. Golf was followed by a wonderful luncheon on the driving range, in perfect weather, with a delicious creative menu. Golf director JR greeted everyone and thanked all involved in the day and season. President Ellen Goldstein spoke about the year and thanked her board, the pros and the staff. She introduced the incoming executive board: President: Lisette Siegel Vice President: Mary Anne Bartfield Secretary: Suzanne Speiser Treasurer: Marjorie Feld Tournament Co-chairs: Dottie Kovel and Bonnie Shyer ML Cocci introduced all the winners of the various tournaments this season. Also introduced were this years’ new members of the league. And congratulations went to the most improved golfer of the season – Lauren Rubin. Many thanks to Chef Ernesto and Martina and their staffs for all the effort put into the luncheon arrangements and the delicious food. Many thanks and appreciation to the luncheon co-chairs Sharon Rochlin and Mary Anne Bartfield for doing a super job. And of course ditto to our outgoing president and executive board and wonderful golf staff (with special kudos to Kim) for the amazing job they did this crazy season in keeping things going and managing to have successful golf days and special tournaments. Let’s hope next year is more normal and just as successful. The winners were: NORTH FRONT 1st MaryAnne Bartfield , June Garson, Barbara Wiener 2nd Sandi Lamm, Barbara Wildstein, Roslyn Nissman 3rd Lisette Siegel, Joan Mopper, Susan Shaw


Kathy Azeez, Sandi Hoffman, Marlene Grad, Beverly Halpert Connie Forman, Joanne Weinbach, Marcia Levy, Susan Wendkos Cindy Kaplan, Gale Salz, Wendy Weinstein, Elaine Sussman




Shelley Parker, Mady Friedman, Jane Yarian, JudyWeiss Bonnie Shyer, Anita Fishbein, Iris Arest, Sherry Norris Sharon Strongin, Lois Stern, Norma Lippman, Melanie Lipson




Debra Greenberg, Cheryl Turchin, Georgianna Cotton ,Sandy Glassman


Wendy Grabler, Terry Capazzi, Barbara Sidel, Diane Exter


Dr. Merle Rose Monsein, Carol Smith, Joan Simmons, Nancy Scher

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The Homefront column is designed to inform our members where in the community our new residents are living and other residences they may have. It also keeps up with our present members who have stayed in the community but moved to new dwellings. Of course we always wish our members who are moving out of the community good luck wherever their travels take them. We wish all our new members many happy healthy days at the Creek and both our new and established members good luck in their new address. This month we are thrilled to welcome and feature ffifteen (15) new members. We wish them all a long happy life at the Creek and only enjoyable days.

APRIL KERN purchased the home of Lee and Laurie Pressler on Le Bateau Lane. She has three children, Kyle, Hannah and Stephen.


purchased the home of Connie and Richard Golber on Burgundy Drive North. They also have a residence in Chappaqua, New York. Jeffrey’s golf handicap is 14.

DEBRA and BRIAN EZRATTY (how fabulous that two brothers have bought here and on the same block) purchased Bette and Sheldon Goldberg’s home on Provence Drive. They also have a residence in Armonk, New York. Brian’s golf handicap is 14. Sorry, no picture available at time of print

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The Homefront column is designed to inform our members where in the community our new residents are living and other residences they may have. It also keeps up with our present members who have stayed in the community but moved to new dwellings. Of course we always wish our members who are moving out of the community good luck wherever their travels take them. We wish all our new members many happy healthy days at the Creek and both our new and established members good luck in their new address.

LYNNE and DR. MARK COOPER purchased the home of Joanne and Steven Mandell on Provence Drive. They also reside in West Hampton, New York. Mark has a golf handicap of 12.

LOIS and ROBERT SILVERMAN bought the late Shatzi Gaines’ home on Degas Drive West. They also have a residence in New York City, New York. Lois sports a golf handicap of 18!

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JANE and JEFFREY TAUBER purchased Deborah and Jim Westlake’s home on Rhone Circle. They also reside in White Lake, New York. Jeffrey has a golf handicap of 8.7. They have three children all in their twenties, Madeline, Rebecca and Mitchell.

AMY and WILLIAM LIPSEY purchased the late Arthur

Goldberg’s home on Miro Drive. They also have a residence in Livingston, New Jersey. William has a golf handicap of 12!

Dr. MERLE MONSEIN-ROSE and WILLIAM ROSE bought Susan Jackowitz’ home on Provence Drive. They also have a home in Newton, Massachusetts. Merle has a golf handicap of 16! Williams is close to Merle’s.

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HELENE KORMAN and GORDON CRANE purchased Suzette and Steven Kolitch’s home on Redon Drive. They also have a residence in Roslyn, New York. Gordon sports a golf handicap of 15!

DEBORAH and DANIEL FRADKIN bought Beverly and Stuart Halpert’s home on Parc Drive. They also reside in Moultonborough, New Hampshire.

KAREN and MARK ROSENBAUM purchased a home on Rivoli Drive. They also have a residence in New York City, New York. Mark has a golf handicap of 12.

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ROBIN and RICHARD PZENA purchased Mr. and Mrs. John Boswell’s home on Monet Drive West. They also have residences in New York City, New York and East Hampton, New York. Richard has a golf handicap of 18. Their captivating smiles reflect all our new members who are thrilled to be at Frenchman’s.

ELENA and RAIF EZRATTY bought the Sentowski home on Provence Drive. They also reside in White Plains, New York. Raif’s golf handicap is 15.

ELLEN and RICHARD LIEB bought the Yavers’ ho use on Toulouse Drive. They also reside in New York City, New York. They have a son, Zachary.

ALEXIS and JONATHAN SHAW purchased the home of the late Zelda Co- hen on Degas Drive East. They have two sons. Sorry no picture available at time of printing

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In Loving Tribute

ALBERT EISEN who lived at 13585

Verde Drive and was a member since 1996. Our heartfelt sympathies to his beloved wife,

Helen Ann, and their entire family.

JOAN GELCH is so happy to inform us and congratulate MORRIS WEINTRAUB

who please G-d will be 99 years young on May 21, 2021

Marty Myers celebrated his 95th birthday with some of his family on April 14. Here’s to 100!!

Club News Staff

Bobbe Wiener


Correspondents Mimi Bergel, Minx Boren, Dr. Avroy Fanaroff, Andrea Finkel, Shirley Goldberg, Norma Lippman, Lois Stern, Judy Tobin PHOTOGRAPHER Carol Smith

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