ROBIN and RICHARD PZENA purchased Mr. and Mrs. John Boswell’s home on Monet Drive West. They also have residences in New York City, New York and East Hampton, New York. Richard has a golf handicap of 18. Their captivating smiles reflect all our new members who are thrilled to be at Frenchman’s.

ELENA and RAIF EZRATTY bought the Sentowski home on Provence Drive. They also reside in White Plains, New York. Raif’s golf handicap is 15.

ELLEN and RICHARD LIEB bought the Yavers’ ho use on Toulouse Drive. They also reside in New York City, New York. They have a son, Zachary.

ALEXIS and JONATHAN SHAW purchased the home of the late Zelda Co- hen on Degas Drive East. They have two sons. Sorry no picture available at time of printing

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