FC LIFE May 2021_Final
Speaking of pets– we are a pet friendly community and as such have a column entitled PRECIOUS PETS. Please e-mail Lois Stern to have your picture and your pet featured in this publication- loisstern26@gmail.com
Thanks to Steve Thompson and Scotty of the POA, the dog park has been given a face lift. Stop by and take a look at the New and Improved Dog Park! Enjoy the New Landscaping. And view the new and improved pet owner area where we understand every afternoon is a party!
Since we are a publication for and by the members, I am sure you would want to join our staff in thanking the Medical Advisory Committee for keeping us healthy and safe, and to our administration and staff, under the guidance of Mr. Goswami, for keeping us
“pampered,” well fed, and making us as comfortable as possible during our unprecedented times of the COVID pandemic. We would also like to thank our security team in helping us stay safe.
Club News Staff
Editor: Bobbe Wiener Co-editor: Mimi Bergel
Dr. Avroy Fanaroff, Andrea Finkel, Shirley Goldberg, Norma Lippman, Robyn Rothenberg, Lois Stern, Judy Tobin PHOTOGRAPHER Carol Smith
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