Employee Handbook


Employee Grievance/Open Door Reporting Procedure

Reports of harassment, discrimination and all other employee grievances will be addressed in a fair and equal manner for all employees through the proper chain of command. Every effort is made to maintain and preserve a good working environment and to resolve any issues in the best interest of all parties involved.

To maintain employee morale and efficiency, Frenchman ’ s Creek has established the following grievance and reporting procedure:

1. You should report the problem with your immediate supervisor or the Human Resources Director. 2. If you feel that you will be prejudiced or uncomfortable in reporting or discussing a situation with your supervisor, you may communicate directly with the Human Resources Director. 3. Frenchman ’ s Creek has an Open-Door policy for every employee who feels he/she has not been treated fairly or who feels their concerns have not been addressed. 4. All complaints of harassment, discrimination or retaliation will be investigated promptly in as an impartial and confidential manner as possible. Employees are required to cooperate in any investigation. You will always have access to the Human Resources Department if you wish to follow-upon a complaint or feel that action has not been taken on your complaint.


Human Resources

The Human Resources Department is located by the employee dining room. If, at any time, you should have any questions regarding matters of your employment, you should direct them to Human Resources.


Employment of Friends and Relatives

Frenchman ’ s Creek strongly encourages the referral of your friends and acquaintances for employment. However, it is our policy not to employ relatives of present employees within the same work department to eliminate the possibility of interference with internal control practices. A relative is defined as: husband/wife, mother/father, mother-in-law/father-in-law, son/daughter, daughter-in-law/son-in-law, brother/sister, uncle/aunt, and first cousin. If Frenchman’s Creek determines that a violation of this policy has occurred, effective remedial action will be taken in accordance with the circumstances. Any employee deter mined by Frenchman’s Creek to be responsible for bullying will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination. In all cases, the employee will be advised of the findings and conclusion. The employment of relatives or individuals involved in a dating relationship within the same area of an organization has the potential to cause conflicts and issues with nepotism or employee morale. In addition to claims of partiality in treatment at work, personal conflicts from outside the work environment can be carried over into day-to-day working relationships.


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