Board of Governor's Meeting Presentations Tuesday, December 19, 2023

▪ No more year-round 8 to 10am guest prohibition. ▪ Holiday (12/15/23-1/7/24) guest prohibition has been shortened to three hours (7 to 10am) from previous four-hour period (7 to 11am). ▪ Outside of prohibited hours, guests may use all areas of the facility, but must check in at the front desk before working out. They must also confirm availability before using the Pilates and Gyrotonics Rooms. ▪ As in the past, the guest prohibition does not include group fitness classes and Aqua Fitness classes, but guests must call on the morning of the class to confirm availability. ▪ Depending on the success of this trial, the Committee will submit a proposal for rules changes as described above, and with a proposed extended “holiday” period that begins before Thanksgiving and ends after New Year’s.

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