Dear Fellow Members: The Grievance CommiƩee is probably the only commiƩee at Frenchman's Creek who hopes we never have a reason to meet. In a perfect world, there’d be no reported cases of member misconduct, and we’d never have to recommend disciplinary measures. Unfortunately, that isn’t reality. SituaƟons do arise, and when they do we’re called upon to handle them fairly and expediƟous ly. The mission of the Grievance CommiƩee is explicit: to “protect and promote the community’s standard of collegiality and fairness.” We believe that’s criƟcal to member enjoyment and to maintaining a Įrst - rate environment, and we therefore take our responsibility very seriously. As the new Įscal year begins for the Board of Governors and the commiƩees, it’s a good Ɵme to request that members ac quaint themselves with the Code of Conduct and Grievance Process and Guidelines, which were just amended last December. In the hope of minimizing future problems, I would like to reiterate a few of the important rules with respect to member con duct.

No Member or guest may be verbally or physically abusive or otherwise engage in conduct that is threatening or harassing to the staī or any member.

No Member shall interact with a staī member in a manner which is disrupƟve to or otherwise has an adverse impact on the AssociaƟon’s operaƟons.

No Member or guest may threaten a staī member or threaten a staī member’s job.

No Member or guest may engage in behavior that is disrupƟve or interferes with the reasonable enjoyment of the AssociaƟon faciliƟes by any Member or guest.

There are a host of other oīenses enumerated in the Code of Conduct as well as the By - Laws, including the sancƟons for vari ous speeding violaƟons. While we fully recognize that it’s not always clear exactly what consƟtutes things like ‘verbal abuse’ or ‘disrupƟve behavior,’ please note that the Grievance CommiƩee will interpret those Rules with an eye towards protecƟng the staī and the collegiality of the club.


Mark Jacobs Chair, Grievance CommiƩee

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