GRIEVANCE Mark Jacobs, Chairperson
Howard Hoffman Bruce Malasky Suzanne Kopp - Moskow
Patti Raber Max Marcia Rubin Barbara Sheldon Vickie Wildstein
The role of the Grievance Committee is to promote the friendly and collegial atmosphere that defines the lifestyle and traditions of Frenchman ’ s Creek by providing a forum for resolving dis putes and, when warranted, conducting formal hearings to deter mine if a member has violated the Code of Conduct. The Grievance Committee seeks, whenever possible, to defuse problems before they result in formal grievances. Most matters that come to the attention of the Grievance Committee are re solved privately, without the need for a formal process. The Grievance Committee does not initiate a grievance or im pose a penalty. Grievances can only be brought by two Board members or by senior management, and only the Board can impose a penalty.
If, after investigating and holding a hearing on a grievance, the Committee determines that a Rules violation has occurred, it may recommend to the Board that a suspension, a fine or other penalty be imposed, and the Board may accept, reject or modify the Grievance Committee ’ s recommendation. Unfortunately, in recent months there has been a sharp uptick in the number of cases before us. In each matter, it is our commit ment to handle each case fairly, confidentially and as expeditious ly as possible.
Mark Jacobs, Chairperson Grievance Committee
STRATEGIC PLANNING Ellen Malasky, Chairperson Miles Tucker, ED/COO
Michael Azeez Dianne Exter Marie Adler - Kravecas Jonathan Mayblum
Jeffrey Maurer Carey Pack Sandy Salz Robert Scherer
The Strategic Planning Committee is led by Chair Ellen Malasky and committee members Diane Exter, Jonathan May blum, Jeffrey Maurer, Robert Sherer, Michael Azeez, Carey Pack, Sandy Salz and Marie Adler - Kravecas. The Committee has been working with consultants GGA Partners to develop and build a strategic plan to move the community forward into the future. GGA held focus groups both on campus at Frenchman ’ s and virtually, with more than 170 members participating. The fo cus groups helped GGA develop the member - wide survey that asked each and every member to participate and provide re sources. The survey closed on April 16, 2023 and the results were provided to the Board and SPC in late May and shared with the community through a special meeting with GGA held in July via zoom.
The SPC has been working to finalize the strategic plan to pro vide a clear roadmap on where we are going but has implemented many of the items identified in the member survey as important to the community: • New nominating process • Reduced size of Board • Revenue generating ideas being vetted so they can be put to vote by the community • Capital Reserves study completed with heavy involvement from FC management team to provide enhanced understand ing of maintenance needs and budgeting • Management improvements to many areas of the club • Real estate operations refresh • Generational transfer issue being brought to community for vote.
Ellen Malasky, Chairperson Strategic Planning Committee
2023/2024 Annual Report Page 11
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