Ad Hoc Committee

NEW CLUBHOUSE CONSTRUCTION Harvey Schulweis, Chairperson

Michael Azeez Bruce Malasky Jeffrey Stanfield

last full quarterly report. Our review of the additional change orders for February and March are not esti mated to significantly impact the contingency re serves through the first quarter of 2024. As for the estimated completion, we are on schedule with details such as utility installation, kitchen equip ment, lighting, HVAC planning and installation, ten nis court planning, waterproofing, low voltage instal lation and planning and ordering of the furniture and fixtures. We are not expecting supply or labor delays which might cause disruption in the completion schedule. The Ad Hoc Committee will continue to provide monthly and quarterly updates to the Board and Com munity through the completion of the project.

The Construction Committee is pleased to report that the progress of the Clubhouse project continues to be on budget and on the ex pected timetable as of the end of January 2024.

The budgeted contingencies continue to be in line with what was estimated to be available as of the end of December 2023, i.e., the

Harvey Schulweis, Chairperson New Clubhouse Construction Ad Hoc Committee

Regrettably, Harvey passed away on March 18th …. prior to his passing he submitted this report. We recognize his numerous contributions to the Community as a Board Member and Chairman of the New Clubhouse Committee...for which we are genuinely grateful He will be sadly missed.

2023/2024 Annual Report Page 7

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