President ’ s Message Year - in - Review / Board Goals
1B. New General Manager. (New goal - Achieved)
As we come to the end of our 2021/2022 community season, I would like to review with you this past year at Frenchman ’ s Creek. The two - year long pandemic restrictions have been substantially loosened and we as a community are back to our normal activities, which has been wonderful. A New Clubhouse Plan has been developed and approved and is moving forward with an estimated completion date of December 2024. A comprehensive Alternative Facilities plan has been de- veloped to provide Members and staff alternative loca- tions during the construction of our New Clubhouse, with the final pieces of this plan expected to be imple- mented by June 30 th . A highly accomplished new Gen- eral Manager, Miles Tucker, has been hired and will start on April 9 th , stepping into the shoes of our much respected, long term General Manager, Achal Gos- wami. And most of our other Board Goals have been achieved. This has been a very busy year at French- man ’ s! Back in March 2021, in the beginning of our current Board year, my first report to the Community as Presi- dent outlined our Board Goals for the coming year. I am happy to report that we have accomplished a lot in one year ’ s time: (Achieved & Ongoing) While our original Board goal was to complete a beau- tiful renovation on time and on budget, over the sum- mer, as early demolition began, we learned the build- ing had more extensive structural and mold issues that would be very expensive to fix. We, as a Board and as a community, and with the help of our professionals, pivoted to developing and vetting a re - imagined New Clubhouse plan, which was presented to the Member- ship and received substantial support (75% of the vot- ing households approved the New Clubhouse plan). Our dedicated Clubhouse committee meets for several hours each week with our professionals and reports to the Board (and the community) monthly on the pro- gress. At this point, everything is moving forward as planned. 1A. Clubhouse Project.
When this Board year began, we did not know that Achal would be retiring this year at the end of his con- tract. After a very successful search process, Miles Tucker (the current General Manager of Hillcrest Country Club in Los Angeles) was unanimously cho- sen by both the Search Committee and the Board. We believe that Miles will be able to build on all that is great about Frenchman ’ s Creek and lead us forward to even greater successes. The Board, Management, and Members all view maintaining Member Services during the construction process as critically important. In late August, as it became clear that we would need temporary facilities earlier and longer than originally planned, the Board approved the funding of a complete alternative facili- ties plan (vs. using parts of the fitness center as our temporary facilities). An incredible amount of work has been put into this and we expect all the facilities to be up and running by June 30 th . This year we explored new and old ways to bring our new and existing Members together, getting us back to the highly social Frenchman ’ s culture. This has been a great success with help from our LINK Com- mittee (formerly known as the New Member Rela- tions Committee), our Entertainment Committee and our Food & Beverage, Golf, Tennis and Fitness Com- mittees and staff departments. The numerous sched- uled events and activities were well attended. Thank you to all the Staff and Committee members who made these events happen! We look forward to con- tinuing these efforts in the 2022/2023 season. 2. Member Services During Construction. (In progress) 3. Bringing our Community Together. (Achieved & Ongoing)
Continues on Page 2
2021/2022 Annual Report Page 13
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