Standing Committees (Reports on Pages 11 — 20)

The Board of Governors is deeply appreciative of the many residents who volunteer their time to serve on the Frenchman ’ s Creek Standing Committees, Sub - Committees, and Ad Hoc Committees. We thank these Committees for their combined efforts and contribution to our Community.

ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD Ruth Krall and Fern Portnoy, Co - Chairpersons Jeffrey Glazer, Board Liaison

Richard Adler Ellen Goldstein Esther Gordon Stuart Halpert

Lois Kleinberg Bruce Malasky

Linda Pack Kim Winn

Our Committee has also been working on revising the ARB Manual to reflect changes in the designs of new construction and issues which have arisen as a result of renovations, many of which have been quite extensive, to Custom, Patio and Villa homes. During this fiscal year, the ARB collected a total of $149,263 in fees to Frenchman ’ s Creek.

Frenchman ’ s Creek has undergone a major architectural trans- formation during this past year. The ARB has reviewed an un- precedented number of applications for improvements in mem- bers ’ residences, with a view to perpetuating a vision of quality and harmony throughout the community. We have considered over 40 applications for tear downs and new builds; second story, front and rear additions; new pools, and new roofs. We have also studied and approved new land- scape/hardscape designs.

Ruth Krall and Fern Portnoy, Co - Chairpersons Architectural Review Board

ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE Judy Konigsberg, Chairperson

Wendi Adler Sabina D ’ Angelo Sue Davis Michael Eigner Barbara Field Sandy Glassman

Herbert Glatt Barbara Hanig Jeri Jacobs Andi Jayson Dottie Kovel

Joan Rand Joan Schwartzman Lila Silver Sue Sternberg Wendy Weinstein Carol Warshauer

The objectives of the Entertainment Committee include developing and presenting new, exciting and imaginative evenings that members will enjoy attending. Its purpose is to provide a wonderful atmosphere through programs like: Holi- day Happenings, opening and closing dinners and many others that result in community pride. It is our mission to make memo- ries and to see that the expectations and taste of our members is met. Our season handbook showcased our scheduled events and en- tertainment for the 2021/2022 community year. Our plans were slightly modified this season due to the lingering pandemic. We began our entertainment with Neil Zirconia, who was our Neil Diamond double. He was followed by NYC 3, who per- form at the Golf Café. These three handsome young men pro- vided an evening full of great music. Following NYC 3, we had Broadway at the Movies and then the Texas Tenors...all getting rave reviews from our members.

At the Beach Club, Mary Ellen Hooper, a female comedian brought the house down. We had five tables of women who really related to her act. We are ending our main stage with Majesty of Rock which has been sold out. Our season will close with a dinner dance and the Good Vibrations, highlighting the music of the Beach Boys. Next season is sure to entertain with unique intimate cabarets, exciting performers of the Headliners bringing acts of comedy, Rock ’ n ’ Roll, Broadway and so much more. We look forward to entertaining our membership again next year.

Judy Konigsberg, Chairperson Entertainment Committee

2021/2022 Annual Report Page 11

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