NEW CLUBHOUSE AD HOC COMMITTEE Harvey Schulweis, Chairperson

Michael Azeez Patricia Fisher Ellen Levine

Bruce Malasky Jonathan Mayblum Jeffrey Stanfield

During this past year, the Board formed the Ad Hoc Clubhouse Committee to oversee and plan for the ren- ovation of the clubhouse. After an extensive and exhaustive study, it was deter- mined that due to the significantly deteriorated state of the clubhouse it was decided that it would not be fi- nancially prudent to pursue a renovation. The com- munity then, in an overwhelming demonstration of support, endorsed a change of direction towards con- structing a new clubhouse. The Committee engaged an outstanding group of professionals to design a new, modern and efficient building. This team completed the basic plans for the building and site during the first quarter of 2022. The Committee has now directed its efforts to developing the design to address operation- al, structural, and esthetic elements and confirm that the project will not only produce an outstanding build- ing but also be completed within the timetable and budget that the community approved for the project.

Over the next several months this process will be completed and, after confirmation that the project- ed timetable and costs are consistent with what the community approved, the existing building will be demolished and the process of building the new clubhouse will begin. The seven - member committee has spent significant time carefully reviewing the plans and is confident that the developed design will create a wonderful resident experience for the community. The plan is for the demolition to be completed before the ma- jority of members return for the 2022 - 2023 season. The completion of construction is planned during the 2024 - 2025 season.

Harvey Schulweis, Chair New Clubhouse Ad Hoc Committee

MEDICAL ADVISORY AD HOC COMMITTEE Dr. Stewart Friedman, Chairperson

Dr. Jennifer Carter Dr. Melvyn Dinner Dr. Avroy Fanaroff Dr. Peter Feinstein

Dr. Howard Hoffman Dr. Mark Levine Dr. Beno Michel Dr. Jack Sobel, Consultant

The Medical Advisory Committee was an integral part of the community during the pandemic.

The Committee also consulted with an infectious disease specialist to guide us on setting the policy.

The Committee recommended Covid policies to the Board, based on CDC guidelines, and they were then implemented by management.

The Community obtained a greater than 95% vac- cination rate which helped minimize illness from within.

Dr. Stewart Friedman, Chairperson Medical Advisory Committee

2021/2022 Annual Report Page 10

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