F R E N C H M A N ’ S C R E E K , I N C .

President’s Report

Norman Barham, President

January 19, 2021—Issue 10

Dear Members: Since our last communication with you, there have been two Board Meetings (December 22, 2020 and January 14, 2021), many other meetings, including an Emergency Meeting on Decem- ber 10, 2020 (COVID-19 Restrictions and Recommendations); a Special Meeting on December 15, 2020 (COVID-19 related Recommendations; many meetings on the Clubhouse projects; etc., etc. I assure you that your Board has been busy! The Holidays (Happy & Healthy New Year to all!) and families have come and gone; committees have been meeting (what would we do without ZOOM??); and life under quarantine continues at Frenchman’s Creek. What follows is an outline of what the Board has been up to and updates on several issues.

MEDICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The Medi- cal Advisory Committee has been issuing fre- quent bulletins as the virus continues its unre- lenting storm across the world, our nation, and our state (according to The Palm Beach Post (Saturday, January 16, 2021), the total number of cases diagnosed in Florida since the pandemic began is 1,548,067. We are seeing increases in the cases among staff and residents in our own community. As vaccines have been approved and availa- ble, your Management team is working dili- gently to try to locate sources of the vaccine and trying to make vaccinations available within the Frenchman’s Creek community. PLEASE REMEMBER that it is important that we all continue to wear masks, maintain social distancing (even if you have already been vaccinated) for your safety and to pro- tect our neighbors. CLUBHOUSE UPDATE: There will be a Special Board Meeting on Tuesday, JANUARY 26, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. As usual, this meeting will be broadcast to the community over ZOOM.

The agenda for the meeting will be a detailed discussion of the 2 building projects that the community will be voting on in a few weeks. On Thursday, February 4th and Friday, February 5th at 2:30 p.m. there will be ZOOM Town Halls. At these meetings you will be able to ask your questions . . . and get answers. Prior to the Town Halls, a Brochure will be distributed outlining the two proposals in great detail and a video presentation by the Architect will be made available. The brochure will include a complete financial analysis of the 2 plans and financial projections of our Long-Range plans. BANK LOAN FOR THE PROJECT: At the January Board meeting, Mr. Nelson presented an over- view of the loan process and a recommenda- tion on behalf of the Finance Subcommittee to approve BB&T (soon to be known as Truist Bank) as the club’s new banking partner. The bank’s proposal includes a loan to be paid back by the membership through a monthly assessment and the non-refundable equity of the first 8 new homes sales every year for the 15-year life of the loan.

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What we are trying to ultimately achieve – as a Board and a Community – is not only a decision on the Clubhouse project but also harmony and a level of civility among our membership. FINANCIAL MATTERS: Mr. Nelson (Treasurer) reports that for the 7th month of this fiscal year (through November, 2020), the community had a positive variance compared to budget of $503K. The club income was favorable to budget by 61K and the POA was favorable to budget by $442K. Note that although this year’s budget was prepared and approved in a pre-pandemic environment, the projection for this fiscal year is to remain at break even subject to Covid’s future impact on the com- munity. While overall results for the first 7 months are positive, the Covid pandemic continues to adversely affect the community’s expenses which totaled $518K for the fiscal year with an additional $72K spent in November. Total club revenue fell short of budget by $233K but this was offset by savings in labor costs and mem- ber services. New member home sales remain strong with 23 closed and 5 pending through De- cember. SECURITY UPDATES: Mr. Corvo (Director of Se- curity) reports that reminders of traffic safety rules and regulations were sent to all home- owners. Security offered and distributed reflec- tive vests and glow in the dark wristbands to all pedestrians walking at night. The Perimeter Camera project contin- ues, adding new servers to further enhance our perimeter security. An extensive project was started to bet- ter protect security hardware from lightning, including providing online surge protectors and grounding devices.

POA MATTERS: The irrigation project is slightly behind schedule and projected to be com- pleted in mid-March, according to Mr. Polselli. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Mr. Goswami gave an extensive report to the Board. High- lights include: • Food & Beverage Operations: We continue to promote all food & beverage options with adjustments as needed due to pan- demic restrictions currently in place. We continue to see activity in take-out and home deliveries; we are averaging 200+ orders per day for breakfast, lunch and din- ner. The Sports Bar, Beach Club, Bistro19 (the new tent venue), and the Bag Drop Ca- fé (food truck area) continue to be popular outdoor venues. • Human Resources: The Human Resources team has been assisting and managing the COVID-19 testing and tracking processes. Currently, 209 employees and 75 contract workers have been tested since June 22, 2020. • Air Quality Test: On January 5, 2021, an air- quality test and inspection of the Clubhouse was performed by Dr. Gary Rosen of Certi- fied Mold Free. The air quality report is post- ed on the Frenchman’s Creek website for viewing. All the air quality readings inside the Clubhouse were well below acceptable levels and five times less than similar read- ings concurrently taken outside the building. • Allied Universal: Frenchman’s Creek Security company, Allied Universal, is in the final stages of being designated as an ap- proved dispensing contractor for the COVID vaccine by the Department of Health, Palm Beach Country and the State of Florida. They have been designated in the Florida Shots program and certified to administer the vaccine. Allied is working out a few re- maining details regarding distribution and administration of the vaccine. Once they receive the vaccine, Allied will be able to administer it to qualified residents of French-

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man’s Creek. The availability of the vaccine will determine when Allied will be able to im- plement their program.

FINAL THOUGHTS: We are finally looking at the end-of-the-road of our decision process. By early spring, we will have made that decision. Renovate or Build? Stay tuned! Hopefully soon, answers to the Corona- virus vaccination questions . . . when will ade- quate supplies be arriving and when will we all be vaccinated against this deadly virus? Warm weather . . . arriving soon????? Now that 2020 is behind us and we can look ahead to a safer and less conten- tious 2021, lets reflect on and celebrate how lucky we are to live in this very special place. Say thank you to our incredible Management team and our exceptional staff; be kind to each other, stay healthy and face the new year with hope. Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your family.

CHARITY COMMITTEE EVENT 2021: An email re- quest was presented to the Board by Ms. M.L. Cocci (Co-Chair) to schedule the FC Charity Committee’s annual campaign via virtual events and a silent auction the week of April 7 – 11. The committee requested approval to pro- ceed with their planning and campaigning to raise funds to meet the charitable commit- ments of the community. At this time the com- mittee is finalizing the allocation process and plan to grant requests for approximately $250,000, depending on the success of the fundraising campaign. This request was ap- proved by the Board.

Sincerely, Norman Barham President










All meetings will be open to the membership via “Zoom”. The Zoom link will be provided prior to the meeting date.


Officers: Norman Barham, President

Jeffrey Glazer, 1st Vice President Jeffrey Stanfield, 2nd Vice President Michael Azeez, 3rd Vice President Jonathan Nelson, Treasurer Martin Krall, Secretary Martin Slepkow, Ex Officio

Board Members: Martin Cohen Diane Exter Stewart Friedman Michael Gianatasio Brett Handler Krista Nicklaus David Rosenblatt

Robert Scherer Herbert Selzer

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