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What we are trying to ultimately achieve – as a Board and a Community – is not only a decision on the Clubhouse project but also harmony and a level of civility among our membership. FINANCIAL MATTERS: Mr. Nelson (Treasurer) reports that for the 7th month of this fiscal year (through November, 2020), the community had a positive variance compared to budget of $503K. The club income was favorable to budget by 61K and the POA was favorable to budget by $442K. Note that although this year’s budget was prepared and approved in a pre-pandemic environment, the projection for this fiscal year is to remain at break even subject to Covid’s future impact on the com- munity. While overall results for the first 7 months are positive, the Covid pandemic continues to adversely affect the community’s expenses which totaled $518K for the fiscal year with an additional $72K spent in November. Total club revenue fell short of budget by $233K but this was offset by savings in labor costs and mem- ber services. New member home sales remain strong with 23 closed and 5 pending through De- cember. SECURITY UPDATES: Mr. Corvo (Director of Se- curity) reports that reminders of traffic safety rules and regulations were sent to all home- owners. Security offered and distributed reflec- tive vests and glow in the dark wristbands to all pedestrians walking at night. The Perimeter Camera project contin- ues, adding new servers to further enhance our perimeter security. An extensive project was started to bet- ter protect security hardware from lightning, including providing online surge protectors and grounding devices.

POA MATTERS: The irrigation project is slightly behind schedule and projected to be com- pleted in mid-March, according to Mr. Polselli. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Mr. Goswami gave an extensive report to the Board. High- lights include: • Food & Beverage Operations: We continue to promote all food & beverage options with adjustments as needed due to pan- demic restrictions currently in place. We continue to see activity in take-out and home deliveries; we are averaging 200+ orders per day for breakfast, lunch and din- ner. The Sports Bar, Beach Club, Bistro19 (the new tent venue), and the Bag Drop Ca- fé (food truck area) continue to be popular outdoor venues. • Human Resources: The Human Resources team has been assisting and managing the COVID-19 testing and tracking processes. Currently, 209 employees and 75 contract workers have been tested since June 22, 2020. • Air Quality Test: On January 5, 2021, an air- quality test and inspection of the Clubhouse was performed by Dr. Gary Rosen of Certi- fied Mold Free. The air quality report is post- ed on the Frenchman’s Creek website for viewing. All the air quality readings inside the Clubhouse were well below acceptable levels and five times less than similar read- ings concurrently taken outside the building. • Allied Universal: Frenchman’s Creek Security company, Allied Universal, is in the final stages of being designated as an ap- proved dispensing contractor for the COVID vaccine by the Department of Health, Palm Beach Country and the State of Florida. They have been designated in the Florida Shots program and certified to administer the vaccine. Allied is working out a few re- maining details regarding distribution and administration of the vaccine. Once they receive the vaccine, Allied will be able to administer it to qualified residents of French-

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