GGA has summarized the key themes present throughout the overall comments collected through the Survey. The themes below, ranked by proportional support highlight some of the key concerns held by members with respect to the Clubhouse project. The key themes are as follows:

• 22% of members (94) share their opinion that the Club should not pursue a new Clubhouse but rather renovation/repair of the existing facility. These members referenced the possible cost savings associated with such a renovation and many members expressed a desire to preserve the current sports bar.

• 7% of members (31) referenced the cost of the new clubhouse and expressed their concerns regarding the funding required to complete the new clubhouse project.

• 7% of members (29) made mention of the impact that the two clubhouse sites would have on the tennis program and accessibility to the tennis courts from the new clubhouse locations.

• 7% of members (28) shared their opinions surrounding the Board at the Club with regard to the Clubhouse project. Member sentiment was split between supporters of the Board who were thankful to those who had volunteered their time to move this project forward and members who feel that aspects of the communication and planning should be more transparent to the membership.

• 5% of members (22) made reference to the spa and fitness facility with the majority expressing their support for a renovation or addition to improve the experience. Members expressed split support for completion of this project in parallel with the Clubhouse and for a more conservative timeline for this project.

• 5% of members (22) shared their insights regarding parking at the Club and the impact that the proposed Clubhouse sites would have on parking at the Club as well as additional solutions which were proposed by members to solve the parking issue. Overall, the vast majority of members were in agreement that the current parking situation should be addressed within the Clubhouse project.

• 2% of members (10) expressed their opinions regarding the temporary facility. Overall, the sentiment was split between members who starkly oppose such a facility and those who were happy to leverage such a facility while the new clubhouse is being constructed.


Frenchman’s Creek – Member Survey Report

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