fc lIFE FEB 2019
By Stuart Halpert
I am pleased to report that Frenchman's Creek sent a "van full" of volunteers to the Palm Beach Gardens High School on Monday, February 9th, to help mentor those students who have been selected by the Faculty of Palm Beach Gardens High School to participate in what is called the Pathfinder Scholarship competition sponsored by the Palm Beach Post. The students compete with other students from Palm Beach and Martin counties, and the winners are announced at a gathering at the Kravis Center in May. It is a "big deal" for the school and the students who participate, most all of whom can benefit greatly from the scholarships. Our Frenchman's Members broke into panels of three, and the contest- ants appeared, one at a time, before each of the panels whose job it was to assist them in practicing and improving their presentations. The students represented the best of the High School students, and one was more impressive than the next. To a person, I think each of the volunteers was thunderstruck by the poise, maturity and level of accomplishment of each of the contestants. As is often the case with the volunteer work, our members got more out of the morning session, perhaps, than did the students! Here are some of the comments offered up by our Frenchman Creek Members: What a rewarding experience . . . particularly for me. I left with a sense of optimism and hope for our future from our interactions with these incredibly talented folks . . . perhaps young in age, but not in perspective. I can't wait to learn of their future success. Arnold Kanarick. An uplifting, inspiring experience; an opportunity to meet future "superstars" at inception; a few minutes with these stu- dents will renew your faith in the future of our society; I can only hope that our coaching was as inspiring to them as their stories were to us." Larry Kleinberg. “Interviewing and conversing with these outstanding students was a truly inspiring experience . . . The day left me with confidence they will be leaders of tomorrow and it gives me hope for our future!” Chere Katz (Friend and “tagalong” on the visit). “On Friday, February 8 th , I participated along with a number of FC neighbors in my first Volunteer Match event at Palm Beach Gardens High School. It was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. . . . All of the students were inspiring and I was deeply moved by their achievements both academically and personally. I am looking forward to my next opportunity to work with these students.” Donna Smolens. What a treat! What a way to spend a Friday morning! What a way to feel positive about the future!" Nancy Bernstein. "A wonderful opportunity to interact with students who have risen to leaders in their School community through hard work and dedication to achieve their goals." Marcia Rubin.
Editor note: We thank Stuart Halpert and “his” volunteers for their dedication to the high school children.
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