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LOUNGE SET UP FOR DINNER The 19 th Hole lounge is not as big as the living room which we have in main dining room, since the member’s priority is to eat dinner and go home. Yet, we provide them with some snacks while they are waiting to be seated. We have: Crudités Table: • Cheese Platter and Assorted Vegetables with ranch dressing. • 7” plates, Olive sticks and a pocket of dessert forks. • Cocktail napkins and crackers. • Cold hors d'oeuvres

Snack: We provide a snack platter in both of the lounge table that has: salted peanuts, mixed nuts, pretzel, and potato chips. We provide B&B plates and cocktail napkins on the tables as well. Hors d’oeuvres We have both hot and cold hors d’oeuvres, cold hors d'oeuvres can be found on the Crudités Table or by the Bar while hot hors d'oeuvres are passed around by us while members are waiting for their meals. Some of the classic hot hors d'oeuvres we pass around include Mini Spring Rolls, Coconut Shrimp/Chicken and Hotdogs.


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