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3. Beverage Stations • The beverage dispensers must be removed from the side station and stored accordingly in the refrigerator or discarded. • Cover or wrap the lemons and limes and store in the refrigerator.
• Ensure that the coffee and cappuccino are clean. • Neatly pack and organize the beverage refrigerator. • Refill the water fridges with cases of water.
4. Kitchen and Dishwashing Area • All the food items need to be thrown out if they are old or wrapped and stored neatly in the refrigerators. • Prepare the food requisition form to be sent to the cold kitchen at 3 pm for the next day’s Operation. • All the surface areas and stove top need to be cleaned and switched off. • All the dishes need to be cleaned in the dishwasher and stored correctly. • Sinks should be cleaned and the dishwasher needs to be drained and switched off once everything is clean. 5. General Closing: • Polish and make extra roll-ups for the next day operation. • Remove the Snacks bar from the Golfers window, refill and store them. • Cleanup and put away the Check books and Lunch menus. • Collect the garbage in the cafe and throw away at the loading dock dumpster. • Collect the Dirty kitchen rags and dirty napkins and put them in the laundry. • Input all the checks for the day and close the “End of shift Report”, Combine all the checks in ascending order. • Complete the Report and send it to the respective managers.
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