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In our everyday encounters with members, we all learn and pick up on expressed and unexpressed preferences from them. You can associate a member’s name with their preference if you know it. All departments interact with preferences even though you might not immediately link the connection. For instance, the Valets learn quickly which members prefer their cars parked on the circle, Omelet Station cooks learn the standard ingredients certain members like, Golf Caddies learn how to adapt to certain member likes-dislikes, and of course F&B staff learn what members like to drink, eat and where they prefer to sit. We have compiled this information over the years by asking for “Preference Bounty” cards to filled out by new incoming trainees like yourselves. Each manager will provide you with these cards and as you learn or discover preferences, we ask that you write them down so we may continue to add them to our data base. To encourage you participation we will pay 50 cents for each one submitted. Simply turn them in to your manage and he/she will keep track of them and then payout all those received in cash.


 During Line Ups the Captains will note preferences as you review the Reservation Sheet.Be prepared to participate and vocalize the ones you know.  Member Picture booklets are kept in restaurant podiums and at POS Terminals to helpyou identify members and to learn their preferences.  The Frenchman’s Creek intranet archives can be accessed by individuals so you can see where the HR Line Up information comes from.  We are currently trying to upload preferences into the POS Jonas system that can help remind you.

Attached you will find several samples of the MEMBER PREFERENCES that can be found on the intranet.

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