Welcome Home
Check the reservation list to know how many to prepare for, but always prepare extra!! Fold hand towels. Get the hand towels from laundry, fold and place in the towel warmer. Ensure towel warmer has water in the bottom, pour hot water on towels and turn on at 5pm. Cut lemon wheels for the hand towels. Place in a bowel or jug, cover with cling film and leave in fridge until service. Make butter, dip and herb ramekins for the tables. Place 4 butter balls in one end, the dip of the week in the other end and place a small amount of herbs in the middle. Make enough for the reservations, plus extra, place on a tray and leave in the fridge until service. Make a tray of milk jugs with the 3 different types of milk in and label on the tray. Leave this in the fridge until needed. Prepare cookie plates for the tables. Place a doily on the bottom of the plate; add a variety of cookies and cover. Make condiment ramekins for hotline. There should be a tray for each side station inside and a tray for outside. The condiment tray should contain: o 2 Ketchups o 2 Sour Cream o Chives o Bacon o Parmesan Cheese o Horse Radish o Mint sauce when Lamb is on the menu o Apple Sauce when Pork is in the menu Ensure yoghurt machine is full and working properly. Check coffee machines.
“The Jewel of Frenchman’s Creek”
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