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Opening: 1. Turn on yogurt machine and fill up with yogurt. 2. Prepare butter dishes and milk jugs and place them in the fridge. 3. Prepare bread basket with Cinnamon Toast, Parmesan Cheese Toast, Bread Stick, Cheese Pita and Lavosh. * Make sure all kind of crackers are crispy and in big pieces! 4. Prepare lemon and lime wedge for every side station, bar sides might need more. (Always use gloves and proper cutting board & knife. Cut 6 wedges per lemon.) 5. Fill up the sugar sticks, biscotti, coffee beans, tea pots, creamers, saucers, espresso spoons, cappuccino/ espresso cups and glasses in the back-Grille kitchen. 6. Put 40 B&B Plates with doilies in the back-side area to use as under liners for our tea pots, desserts and Frozen Yoghurts. 7. Place about 20 clean trays behind the bar and back area. 8. Back up storage. Have also milk jugs in the bar fridge available! Closing: 1. Refill milk jugs, yogurt, lemon/lime wedges and all equipment for dinner. 2. Wrap bread basket and put them nicely in cabinet. 3. Clean blender and make sure the surface is clean and tidy.
4. Keep the refrigerator clean and organized (First-in, First-out!).
5. Clean, organize and refill coffee & cappuccino machine and the entire back area (to-go boxes, bags, quarts, etc.)
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