Volunteer Match Program
Volunteer Match Program
Resident Interest Survey Note: Information provided below is strictly on a voluntary basis and will ONLY be used to develop the French-
man’s Creek Volunteer Match Program (FCVMP) resident and organization registry.
Member Information:
Resident (1)
Resident (2)
2. Do you currently volunteer (or have you recently volunteered)?
If Yes, please indicate your volunteer experience below:
Name of Organization
Description of Activities
3. Would you like the organizations you listed above to be included in the FCVMP registry of organizations seeking volunteers? YES NO
4.(a) Are you interested in a new (or additional) volunteer opportunity?
(b) If “Yes”, how much time do you think you might be able to devote as a volunteer on an occasional or on a fairly regular basis?
A few hours for a one-time event or a special project
One hour a week
Two to three hours a week
Four or more hours a week
Not sure
(please continue on reverse side)
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