Season Handbook 2014-2015



Top of the line entertainment of the highest quality. Cocktails and buffet dinner followed by show. Always the most special of evenings.

Thursday, December 18 Tribute to Eagles

They capture the energy and melodies of The Eagles that made them one of the most successful bands in rock and roll history.

Thursday, January 15 Paul Tanner

A singer and impressionist, he has amazed audiences from Las Vegas to Broadway. He has been compared to the “Man of Many Voices” - Danny Gans. He brings the

likes of Elvis, Tom Jones, Neil Diamond, Barry Manilow, Nat King Cole, and many others.

Saturday, February 14 (ValenƟne’s Day) The Beatle Maniacs A Beatle Band with the music library and history of the Beatles in full regalia. Spectacular visual lighƟng effects accompanied by video/ mulƟ-media, and costume changes. They deliver in the style, energy and excitement of a true rock and roll experience of the Beatles. Thursday, March 5 Savannah Jack They have honed their skills as outstanding entertainers. A fresh new sound to take country music by storm. They have opened for Vince Gill and Kenny Rogers. Don’t miss it! Thursday, March 19 Bronx Wanderers They are making a triumphant return. A group of superlaƟve vocals, dynamic enthusiasm and a genuine love of the music they perform.

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