Presidents Report_Diane Exter_Issue 05_210828

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kitchen consultants (Cheney Brothers, who have already been paid to com plete their work, which includes the tem porary kitchen) and Proctor (who will work with subcontractors to get more confidence in real, current pricing which will be valuable for either project.). During this time period we will move both the Substantial Renovation and the New, New Clubhouse plans for ward on parallel paths, with very limited dollars. On September 28 th, the Board will have a discussion on which project we should move forward to the mem bership. Lots to do between here and there. Please feel free to write me at to share your thoughts with me. I find your letters very informative. I may not be able to answer every letter, but I read every letter carefully .

A PARALLEL PATH— RE - ANALYZING A NEW CLUBHOUSE Based on all that was presented at the board meeting including the mold report, the structural report, the need to move members and staff out of the clubhouse and the significant increase in the expected cost of the renovation, the Board discussed re - evaluating a new clubhouse, albeit one with a sec ond - floor entrance similar to our current clubhouse. The Board unanimously ap proved using $50,000 of the board des ignated funds to have Brian Idle of Pea cock and Lewis design a new, new clubhouse and present these designs to the board at our next board meeting on Tuesday, September 28 th at 2:30. As part of his process, Brian will be hosting four zoom calls before the board meeting to share his design ide as for a new, new clubhouse and hear feedback from Members. Most of the Renovation project professionals have been asked to put their work on hold until after the Sep tember 28 th board meeting, except our owners ’ rep (Gaudet Associates), the

Thank you.

Sincerely, Diane Exter Diane Exter, President

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