October 2019 FC Life
A Frenchman's Creek Love Story by the proud grandmother Rima Robinson
My grandson, Eric Rudofker, was visiting me July l0, 2013. Eric arrived from University of Rochester where he was attending medical school-His hometown is Philadelphia. Maggie Fitzgerald lived in Sacramento but worked in New York City. She was down here on business. On that day Eric decided to have lunch at the Thirsty Turtle which is on Donald Ross Road, just minutes from our Frenchman's Creek gate. Maggie went the same day to The Thirsty Turtle for lunch. Eric from the east coast and Maggie from the west coast started a conversation which later led to a date which later led to a bicoastal romance. Two years later as the romance continued, the couple met down here together to visit me at Frenchman's Creek. They got along beautifully and I could tell they really enjoyed one another's company. As time passed by Eric received his medical residency in Denver. Maggie gave up her job in New York and moved to Denver to be with Eric. Another visit to see me in Florida was in the making from Eric and Maggie. But this was no ordinary visit. This was a well planned visit by Eric. He planned to ask Maggie to marry him. Ring in hand the three of us headed to the Beach Club. I had a special bottle of champagne hidden in my beach bag. The staff helped me plan the big event. I slipped the bottle of champagne to one of the staff and at the allotted time asked her to bring it out to poolside. All the while I was hiding behind a tree watching the whole romantic scene. As the waitress was exiting from inside, heading toward the soon to be engaged couple I noticed the color of the bubbly- it was dark brown. The champagne was rotten spoiled awful. I somehow intercepted her with Maggie and Eric not seeing me. And wouldn't you know Good ole Frenchman's came to the rescue with a fresh bottle of champagne. The proposal was about to ensue again. The waitress served the champagne to Maggie and Eric.
Maggie asked what was the occasion for the champagne? Eric on bended knee asked Maggie for her hand in marriage. Thank goodness she said yes? And there I was hiding behind the tree watching a true Frenchman's Creek love story. The wedding was August 31 in Denver, Colorado.
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