FC Life November 2017
Frenchman's Creek Ladies Golf Association Opening Day, on November 7, 2017, was played in beautiful weather. More than 150 women signed up for the ABCD 9-hole step aside scramble format which more than covered the two courses. After golf, the ladies enjoyed a lovely luncheon. For the main course, each table was like an individual buffet, with platters of seven additions, such as lobster salad, grilled chicken breasts, brussel sprouts, tuna and chicken salad plus other items to add to a lovely plated garden salad that was served to each individual. A delicious dessert of a truffle tart and most everyone’s favorite ice cream, Graeters Black Raspberry chocolate chip, topped off a very tasty meal. Everyone received a golf glove as a favor. During the luncheon, Association Chair, Wendi Adler, welcomed everyone and introduced new- members and this year’s FCLGA board members. JR Congdon, our Director of Golf introduced our new golf pro, Kim Augusta, who received a warm welcome. Sharon Rochlin, Tournament Chair, spoke about some highlights of this coming season-to which all the ladies look forward.
Please stop in the Golf Pro Shop and meet our new golf professional KIM AUGUSTA , who joined our staff on November 15th. She was brought up in Rumford, Rhode Island and started to play golf at the age of 4. She was taught by her Dad, and what a fine job he did. Kim attended the University of Miami on a golf scholarship. After graduating, she stayed in Florida and received her LPGA status 1999-2004. During this time, she played in “Future Tours,” which are mini tours, travelling constantly to many destinations. Needless to say, this was some- what tiring and she then went to Boca West, was Assistant Pro at Boca Grove and for the past 13 years was Assistant Pro at Bocaire Country Club. Kim is excited to be here and JR and the entire golf staff are happy to welcome her, but no more than all the women golfers !
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