FC Life November 2017
HELEN and STEPHEN COLMAN are very proud of their granddaughter, Abigail Harrison , who is 11 years old and will be on the Live Fox Musical Special, December 17th at 7 p.m. entitled, “A Christmas Story.” Abigail dances, sings and acts and is quoted to be a “natural.” She also will be returning to Season 4 of “The Affair” on Showtime.
JOYCE and MEL PARADISE have ten granddaughters of whom they are very proud. Granddaughter, Lindsey, daughter of Susan and Marshall Goodman, was married in August 2016 to Andrew Warman. Granddaughter, Jackie Goodman, is presently a practicing attorney; Granddaughter, Cori Goodman graduated from the University of Buffalo; Granddaughter, Ava Paradise, daughter of Michael, graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Wisconsin. Granddaughters, Samantha and Eliza, twin daughters of Steven, graduated High School with honors in June and are now attending the University of Michigan and Duke University respectively. Granddaughter, Marielle Paradise, daughter of Joslin and Steven, is in her 5th year at the School of American Ballet and will make her 3rd appearance at Lincoln Center in the New York City Ballet’s “The Nutcracker” in December. She also appeared in “A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream in April. We are looking forward to many more happy occasions with all of them. From the oldest to the TO OUR NEW MEMBERS AND THOSE WITH NEW DOGS Lois Stern wants to remind everyone of the Bofus Toads found everywhere there is water. They are very dangerous to your pets. The bufo toad ( Bufo marinus ) (also known as marine toad, giant toad, cane toad) is a huge brown to grayish-brown toad with a creamy yellow belly and deeply-pitted parotoid glands extending down the back. Adult giant toads generally range in size from 6 to 9in (15 to 23cm), but may get larger. When confronted by a predator, it is able to "shoot" bufo toxin from the parotoid and other glands on the back in the form of white viscous venom. The secretions are highly toxic to dogs, cats, and other animals, and can cause skin irritation in humans. To avoid attracting toads to areas where pets are, do not leave pet food in open dishes in the yard. Bufo's are attracted to dogs watering dishes, and may sit in the rim long enough to leave enough toxin to make a dog ill. Dogs may mouth bufo toads, thus getting a large dose of the bufo's toxins, secreted from the skin and parotoid glands. Symptoms enerally include profuse foamy salivation that looks like shaving cream. I mmediately rinse out the pet’s mouth with a drippy wet wash cloth several times to remove any toxin from the mouth. Do not use a hose to rinse the mouth as water can easily be forced into the lungs causing more problems. Proceed to the nearest veterinary clinic or emergency clinic as time is of the essence. The smaller the pet or the larger the toad, the greater there is a risk of toxicity.
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