November 2015


THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS Mary Jane Range of the Palm Beach County League ofWomenVoters will be here to present – Your Florida Government,Your County Government

Most voters have knowledge of the Federal Government and its branches but so often we hear voters ask, “ What does the State Legislature do ?” or “Why do we amend the Constitution?” This presentation

is everything you SHOULD know about Florida and County government which so often has a greater effect on our lives and pocketbooks than the Federal government. The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan organization of women and men of all ages and backgrounds, encouraging informed and active participation in government through education and advocacy.

Hosted by the Frenchman’s Creek External Affairs Committee.

Tuesday, November 17 th at 5:00 p.m. Main Club

Cocktails and Hors d’Oeuvres to follow

Newsletter                7              November 2015

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