07 NEWSLETTER. June 2014
Created and managed through a partnership between the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners and the Smithsonian Marine Station in Fort Pierce, this 5,000- square-foot facility features more than 8,000 gallons of marine life. The Aquarium's six aquarium displays and touch tank accurately reflect the habitats typically found in the Indian River Lagoon and surrounding coastal waters. Voted one of the most visited Trip Advisor destinations around town. The Smithsonian Marine Ecosystem is not a typical public aquarium. Their focus is on displaying ecosystems as complex communities of organisms interacting in their environment. Departing from the Main Club at 1 pm. To sign up and for more information regarding activities and prices, please call Bilian at 561-846-9987.
SUMMER MOVIE FESTIVAL Wednesdays Starting at 7:30 pm Men’s Card Room
BEACH CLUB Due to Annual Maintenance, the Beach Club will be Closed for Lunch and Dinner from Monday, June 9th to Sunday, June 22nd. Lunch and Dinner will be served in the 19th Hole. Complimentary Sandwiches, Cabana and Beach Service will be available . The Beach Club Schedule will resume on Monday, June 23rd.
PALM BEACH DRAMAWORKS 2014-2015 SEASON Palm Beach Dramaworks is a professional not-for- profit theatre company that engages and entertains audiences with provocative and timeless productions that personally impact each individual. Join your neighbors with a Palm Beach Dramaworks subscription. For more information and a schedule, please call 561-514-4042.
Join us Sunday, June 15 to celebrate Father’s Day Start your Father’s Day off right with a complimentary omelet at the 19th Hole 7:00 am to 11:00 am.
June 2014
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