07 NEWSLETTER. June 2014
With another season behind us, we are already preparing the groundwork to make next season even better but before we get there, our summer maintenance programs must take place to allow the grass on our courses to recover from all the cart traffic and every divot and ball mark we made. The South Golf Course Improvement began last month. Three major improvements will enhance the enjoyment of the South Course. First, the entire course will be re-grassed using the best varieties of turf. Second, design adjustments will be made to improve playability. These include enlarging, moving or adding tees to provide more options for course set up, softening approximately 10% of the fairway surfaces, cart path repositioning on three holes, bunker modifications and a new #17 green. Last, the landscape on the course will be updated and feature a beautiful and continuous theme. There are also plans to renovate the short game practice area. The contractor should be finished in early August and the grass will need three months to mature. The new and improved south course is scheduled to be open for play October 31st. South Course Closed: May 1 st - October 31 st The North Golf Course aerification program to start the healing process began this month with the course being closed in consecutive weeks. This work will leave the greens rough but they will heal quickly. North Course Closed: June 9 th to June 15 th - Front 9
and June 16 th to June 20 th - Back 9 August 11 th to August 15 th - Front 9 and August 18 th - August 22 nd – Back 9
We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause and thank you for your understanding during our golf courses maintenance period.
On the courses
Newsl tter
June 2014 June 2014 12 12
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