
Director of Administration Linda George

Linda joined Frenchman ’ s Creek in January 2001 as the Executive Assistant to the Executive Director/COO. In April 2022, with the arrival of the new ED/COO, her EA responsibilities were handed over to the new EA. Linda continues to provide administrative support to the President and Board of Governors and handles the annual Committee process. She oversees the POA Office and administrative staff. Linda has over 35 years of experience supporting C - Suite executives in the public and private sectors; both for profit and not for profit organizations. Prior to join-

ing Frenchman ’ s Creek, she worked in the executive office of the Town of Palm Beach, assisting the Town Manager. Mayor and Town Council members. Among her previous positions, Linda was a Paralegal for a Florida - based NYSE, full - service stock brokerage firm assisting the CLO and in - house corporate attorneys. She was born and raised in West Palm Beach, Florida and has two beautiful granddaughters with a third grand- child due in November, 2022.

Director of Community Relations Kathy O’Brien

Kathy began her employment in September 1985, with the McArthur Foundation and then with developers Haft & Gaines when they purchased the property in Jan- uary 1986. In 1992, when Haft & Gaines turned over the property to the French- man ’ s Creek Property Owners ’ Association, Kathy became the point of contact, working in sales and in the POA office. She has been on the property since its in- ception, making her the longest employed staff member. Among her many responsibilities, Kathy provides administrative support to the

Architectural Review Board and serves as the staff liaison between the Property Owners ’ Association and homeowners. She works closely with Security and Landscaping and servers as the liaison between members and vendors to address their daily requests. Prior to moving to Florida from Buffalo, NY, Kathy, managed women ’ s health and fitness clubs for 15 years. She moved to Florida with her husband, Mike, in 1985. Kathy has three granddaughters whom she adores.

Property Owner’s Association Mission Statement The purpose of P.O.A. is to provide security, convenience, and a one- stop shopping atmosphere for Frenchman’s Creek homeowners/members.


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