President’s Message Accomplishments & Challenges
Our three major charity events: Frenchman’s Creek Charity Weekend, Men’s Health Day (benefiting Jupiter Hospital) and Frenchman’s Creek Women for Cancer Research event (benefiting Scripps Florida Research Institute), raising ap- proximately $850,000 in total from our generous member- ship; The speakers series, talks and lectures by outside speakers on various topics, world events and conflicts, continued. This series has been put together and hosted by Marty Krall and continues to attract large audiences; and
The Annual Report represents a year-in-review of our 2018/2019 Community Season which includes important highlights of the past year as well as certain challenges for the upcoming year.
The year began with litigation with the Town of Juno Beach which was settled in mediation with a favorable outcome that guarantees the future of our Beach Club; A Strategic Plan, Statement of Organizational and Op- eration Philosophy and Master Plan were all undertak- en and successfully completed and implemented; An additional five tennis courts were converted to the HydroGrid underground watering system, making a total of 12 courts; A new “Sports Activity” area was added adjacent to the existing basketball court. Activities include – soccer billiards, horseshoes, putting green and a chess/ checkers board; The “Go Green” project had a successful start. Styrofoam was replaced with biodegradable products, an active recycling program was implemented, and water dispenser units were installed in the fitness center reducing water bottle usage by 50%; Landscape projects continued this year with beautifica- tion of the community front entrance as well as pro- jects on the 2 nd hole North, 9th hole South, and the 4 th hole South; The concrete and asphalt cart paths leading from the Verdun cut-thru to the driving range restrooms were replaced with brick pavers to match the golf cart stag- ing area; Real estate tours of the community were higher than last year. Realtor tours doubled to 42 and in-house tours were more than 100 over the year resulting in 28 home sales of which 17 were to new members; Two additional Pickleball courts were created for a total of six courts;
Our financial position remains healthy, with a strong bal- ance sheet, cash flow and capital investment account.
Looking Ahead: Continued work by the Clubhouse Building Ad Hoc Commit- tee, working with our professional team to develop plans for the refurbishment of the clubhouse facility.
I would like to acknowledge and thank those who are well de- serving of appreciation:
Retiring Board members: Michael Eigner (9 years), Ed Zimmerman (9 years) and Jane Feinstein (6 years); Board of Governors who work extremely hard to exceed expectations with respect to vision and planning and caring for the community, as well as providing guidelines to our executive management; Our management team led by Achal Goswami, who antici- pates the community’s every need and firmly establishes and reinforces the highest level of service culture through- out the staff and service departments; and The entire staff who works tirelessly to maintain service levels that are the envy of all other communities and which very often even exceed our own expectations. We live in a community that has the finest amenities, services and facilities in South Florida. We have to be certain that we keep it that way and maintain our health so we can enjoy that which is available to us. Please take the time to read through all of the Committee re- ports to fully appreciate the extent of members’ involvement and their contributions to the success of our community.
Martin Slepkow President, Board of Governors
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