Table Of Contents
President’s Message
Executive Director’s Message
Membership Report
Retiring Board Members
2018/2019 Board of Governors
Lifestyle and Amenities
Nominating Process
Committee and Club Reports
Reports of Charity Committees
Reports of Audit Committee
Audited Financial Report April 30, 2018
Report Purpose and Distribution Th e purpose of this Annual Report is to provide an overview of the financial position and operations of Frenchman’s Creek, Inc., and a report by each Standing Committee as well as other information of interest. This Report is being provided to the member- ship at the March 16, 2019, Annual Meeting and mailed to each resident within the community. Additional copies of the Annual Report can be obtained at the POA Office (561) 627-1467. For an individual copy of the Audited Financial Report—April 30, 2018, please contact the Accounting Department at (561) 868-6382. Both Reports can be obtained on the Website at
President’s Message Accomplishments & Challenges
Our three major charity events: Frenchman’s Creek Charity Weekend, Men’s Health Day (benefiting Jupiter Hospital) and Frenchman’s Creek Women for Cancer Research event (benefiting Scripps Florida Research Institute), raising ap- proximately $850,000 in total from our generous member- ship; The speakers series, talks and lectures by outside speakers on various topics, world events and conflicts, continued. This series has been put together and hosted by Marty Krall and continues to attract large audiences; and
The Annual Report represents a year-in-review of our 2018/2019 Community Season which includes important highlights of the past year as well as certain challenges for the upcoming year.
The year began with litigation with the Town of Juno Beach which was settled in mediation with a favorable outcome that guarantees the future of our Beach Club; A Strategic Plan, Statement of Organizational and Op- eration Philosophy and Master Plan were all undertak- en and successfully completed and implemented; An additional five tennis courts were converted to the HydroGrid underground watering system, making a total of 12 courts; A new “Sports Activity” area was added adjacent to the existing basketball court. Activities include – soccer billiards, horseshoes, putting green and a chess/ checkers board; The “Go Green” project had a successful start. Styrofoam was replaced with biodegradable products, an active recycling program was implemented, and water dispenser units were installed in the fitness center reducing water bottle usage by 50%; Landscape projects continued this year with beautifica- tion of the community front entrance as well as pro- jects on the 2 nd hole North, 9th hole South, and the 4 th hole South; The concrete and asphalt cart paths leading from the Verdun cut-thru to the driving range restrooms were replaced with brick pavers to match the golf cart stag- ing area; Real estate tours of the community were higher than last year. Realtor tours doubled to 42 and in-house tours were more than 100 over the year resulting in 28 home sales of which 17 were to new members; Two additional Pickleball courts were created for a total of six courts;
Our financial position remains healthy, with a strong bal- ance sheet, cash flow and capital investment account.
Looking Ahead: Continued work by the Clubhouse Building Ad Hoc Commit- tee, working with our professional team to develop plans for the refurbishment of the clubhouse facility.
I would like to acknowledge and thank those who are well de- serving of appreciation:
Retiring Board members: Michael Eigner (9 years), Ed Zimmerman (9 years) and Jane Feinstein (6 years); Board of Governors who work extremely hard to exceed expectations with respect to vision and planning and caring for the community, as well as providing guidelines to our executive management; Our management team led by Achal Goswami, who antici- pates the community’s every need and firmly establishes and reinforces the highest level of service culture through- out the staff and service departments; and The entire staff who works tirelessly to maintain service levels that are the envy of all other communities and which very often even exceed our own expectations. We live in a community that has the finest amenities, services and facilities in South Florida. We have to be certain that we keep it that way and maintain our health so we can enjoy that which is available to us. Please take the time to read through all of the Committee re- ports to fully appreciate the extent of members’ involvement and their contributions to the success of our community.
Martin Slepkow President, Board of Governors
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A Message from our Executive Director
Thank you for making 2018 yet another remarkable year for Frenchman’s Creek Beach & County Club!!
On behalf of the entire staff, we thank you—the Board of Governors and Membership for your continued guidance, support, and participation in community affairs, events and activities throughout the year.
I would like to also thank retiring Board Members—Jane Feinstein, Michael Eigner and Ed Zimmerman as well as Ex Officio Board Member William Gersten, for their extraordinary contribution and dedication over the years. They have laid a foundation of solid policies and vision, adding to the branding of Frenchman’s Creek which is highly recognized in the Club industry. Our dedicated management and staff continue to do an incredible job of expanding and strengthening our programs and providing the Membership with the highest quality service. We are committed to maintain- ing the Frenchman’s Creek Philosophy and Standards of Excellence. Improving the quality of lifestyle of our members continues to be the primary goal of the entire staff. Frenchman’s Creek is committed to leading the way in keeping our recreational and related activities vi- brant, attractive, and responsive to the membership. We hope that you will find this Annual Report to be an informative summary of our Community opera- tions. If you wish to express your comments or ideas, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at (561) 868-6372 or via email at
Achal Goswami Executive Director
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Membership Report
We welcome the following members who have joined Frenchman’s Creek since our last Annual Report:
Neil & Carol Abrams Patrick & Karen Allen John Bauman & Sherry Norris Marilyn Butler Jonathan & Elizabeth Crompton Douglas & Esther Durrett Thomas & Catherine Farmer
Richard & Beth Fentin Bill & Sandra Glassman Stephen & Esther Gordon Kevin & Barbara Ilsen Dr. Jay & Gail Kaltman Todd & Deborah Krasnow
Jonathan & Laura Mayblum Allan & Jessica Poulin Michael & Joan Sclar Jason & Melanie Shulman
Robert & Elayne Silton Henry & Bonnie Shyer Daryl Wills
As of March 16, 2019, our membership is made up as follows:
598 Golf Members (one empty lot with membership) 1 Tennis Member 6 Homes with No Membership Purchased (grandfathered) 1 Empty Lot (no membership) 606 Total
We offer our condolences to the families of the following members who have passed away this past year:
Hildegarde Alcure Ilene Barshay Phyllis Berger Stanley Bobb Jay Bramson Donald Brown Miles Carter Herbert Cohan
Dorothy D’Angelo Manny Doppelt Geri Epstein Anita Feig Marilyn Franz Sol Freedman Gerald Glasser Irwin Hart
Albert Hess Steven Lazarus Grace Mann Joan Miller Linda Moscow Barbara Newman Hubert Opici Joseph Sacks
Franklin Schachter Norman Scher Anita Smith David Smith Nancy Sylk Jerome Tally Arthur Tauscher Peggy Usdan
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A special Thank You to...
...Retiring Board Members...
Jane Feinstein
Michael Eigner
Ed Zimmerman
Ex officio Board Member….
William Gersten
...for your Extraordinary Contribution and Dedicated Service to the Board of Governors and the Frenchman’s Creek Community!
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Board of Governors Officers & Directors
Martin Slepkow President—2018-Present Board Member—2014-2020
Norman Barham First Vice President—2018-2019 Board Member—2018-2021
Jonathan Nelson Treasurer—2017-2019 Board Member—2018-2021
Jane Feinstein 2nd Vice President—2016-2019 Board Member—2013-2019
Michael Eigner Secretary—2017-2019 Board Member—2016-2019
Liam Egan Board Member—2017-2020
Krista Nicklaus Board Member—2017-2019
Jeffrey Glazer Board Member—2018-2021
Richard Golber Board Member—2017-2020
Steven Bernstein Board Member—2014-2020
David Rosenblatt Board Member—2015-2021
Frank Spitalny Board Member—2017-2020
Ed Zimmerman Board Member—2016-2019
Ethel Schultz Board Member—2016-2019
Jeffrey Stanfield Board Member—2018-2021
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Lifestyle and Amenities
Art Studio with weekly Art Classes and Annual Art Expo for resident painters/sculptors/photographers.
►Complimentary Continental Breakfast ►Light Fair Dinner ►Bar/Beverage ►Indoor and Outdoor Brunch/Lunch
19th Hole
Beach with Olympic pool, full dining and cabana facilities, lounge chairs at beach/pool, beach walks, fishing on shore.
►Indoor and Outdoor Lunch/Dinner
The Grille
Bicycle Club—weekend trips.
►Indoor and Outdoor Brunch/Lunch ►Casual Dinner (Seafood)
Beach Club
►Brunch/Family Dinner ►Special Events & Private Parties
Main Dining Room
92 Homes on deep water and adjacent marina.
►Bar/Beverage ►Special Events ►Nightly Cocktails and Hors d’oeuvres ►Private Parties ►Lunch/Dinner/Bar/Beverage ►Special Events & Private Parties ►Cocktails and Hors d’oeuvres ►Billiard Table & TV Screens, Direct TV Sports
Lounge/ Living Room
Classes for intermediate and beginners—weekly duplicate les- sons and games.
Two computers with printing and copying capabilities.
Business Center
Sports Bar
Retention Water Lake
Lunch & Private Parties
Poolside Café
A fenced area for dogs to run, with sitting areas for our mem- bers comfort.
Dog Park
A fully equipped, 23,000 sq. ft. Fitness Center with personal trainers, massage therapists, aerobic classes, ballroom dancing, Latin dancing, nutritional lectures, yoga, water aerobics, Pilates, spa, facials, manicure/pedicure services, health fair, along with other activities and special events. Physical therapy from Jupiter Medical Center.
►Foreign Film Festivals, Lectures, Speaker Series, Cigar Club, iPhone/iPad Learning Classes, Book Talks, and Holiday related events.
Special Events
►Catered Parties, Weddings and Other Family Functions
Private Parties
Two 18-hole courses, 137 arranged golf tournaments/plays, handicaps, complimentary play with the pro, pro shop, custom- ized club fitting, complimentary clinics, Nine, Wine & Dine, etc.
►Men’s and Ladies Card Rooms ►Duplicate Bridge and Social Bridge
Table Games
Books for every interest; donated by the members for the mem- bers. (located in the Business Center)
14 Har-Tru Courts, 12 of which are HydroGrid—lighted night play, customized racquet fittings, 6 Pickleball Courts, 2 Bocce Ball Courts, 1 P é tanque Court and a Pro Shop.
►Director of Security ►Twenty-five (25) Security Staff Serving 606 Homes ►24 Hour Security ►Perimeter Infrared Cameras w/Video Analytics ►Criminal Background Checks ►Access Control ►K-9 Patrol ►Vendor ID Program ►Central Alarm Monitoring ► Water Patrol ►24 Hour paramedic Staffing ►Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) ►Emergency Telephones on Golf Courses, Tennis Courts and Outside the Fitness Center ►Panic Buttons at Fitness Center
Organized trips and seasonal planned events/dinner trips.
The Creek Club offers junior programs during school vacation periods, including Memorial Day, Labor Day, 4th of July and the December holidays Activities include special golf, tennis, beach & water activities, carnival, ice skating, complimentary golf and tennis clinics, arts & crafts, storytelling, etc. Junior Olympics are offered at Christmas and President’s week, .
Children’s Programs and Recreation
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Lifestyle and Amenities
►Fifteen (15) Member Board of Governors ►Executive Director ►Executive Management and Staff
Governance/ Administration
(additional charges may apply)
►Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Special Holidays
Take Out
►Thirty-one (31) plus Advisory Committees ►Subcommittees and Ad Hoc Committees formed throughout the year, as needed
►Dinner only
Home Delivery
►Private Parties (i.e., Weddings and Other Family Functions)
Home Catering
►Monthly Board Meetings ►Monthly Membership Newsletter “FC Life” ►Various Town and Special Meetings ►“Discussion with the President” ►Monthly President’s Report ►Bi-Annual Resident Satisfaction Surveys ►Frenchman’s Creek TV Channels 998 & 999 ►New Member Surveys ►Monthly Event and Information Newsletters ►Frenchman’s Creek Website— (
►Minor Repairs/Replacement ►Miscellaneous Handyman repairs/installs ►Pressure Cleaning ►Local Transportation (i.e., doctors, shopping, etc.) ►Airport Arrival and Departure (Palm Beach Intl. / Ft. Laud/Hollywood Intl. / Miami)
Home Services
The POA Office provides Notary services for your convenience .
Notary Public
Our IT Department offers computer services: virus scans, software/hardware upgrades, fax/scanner/ printer trouble shooting and basic computer assis- tance, for a minimal charge.
Computer Service
►Custom ($18,177) ►Waterfront (additional $395) ►Townhome A, B, or C ($21,434-$21,532) ►Patio A, B, or C ($22,679-$22,815) ►Villa A, B, or C ($24,334-$24,520) ►Maintenance of all common areas ►Cable TV & High Speed Internet ►Maintenance of all roads and infrastructure ►24 Hr Security ►Maintenance of street lights and post lights ►Security Alarm monitoring ►Exterior painting of patio, villa, and townhomes ►Exterior landscaping around patio, villa, and townhomes ►Maintenance of waterways
Annual Fees
Initiation Fee
Equity (Refundable)
Annual Dues
Annual Service Fee
Individual Tipping
Annual Food & Beverage Minimum
Annual Capital Replenishment
(All dues reflect Fiscal Year May 1, 2018-April 30, 2019, unless otherwise noted)
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Nominating Process
NOMINATING COMMITTEE John Cohen, Chairperson Jane Feinstein, Non-Voting Board Member James Anchin, Non-Voting 2017/2018 Committee
Wendi Adler Maxine Aigen Judith Cosentino Susan Fuirst Paul Konigsberg
Ellen Lattman David Leven Laura Lustig Judy Rubin
Gerald Shaw Susan Shaw Melvin Shuter Lewis Steinberg Carol West
The Nominating process began on November 23, 2018, with a letter to 202 members. A second random se- lection was made out of the thirty (30) members interested, with the first fifteen (15) forming the 2018/19 Nominating Committee. An organizational meeting was held on December 11, 2018, to conduct the first order of business. This year, there were four incumbent Board members who were eligible, two of whom decided to run for a second term. Nine (9) interviews were conducted over a 3-day period with all having impressive backgrounds. Deliberation was held after the final interview and five candidates were nominated by the re- quired 2/3 majority vote of the Nominating Committee. The candidates nominated by the Nominating Com- mittee were:
Robert Scherer
Herbert Selzer
Ethel Schultz
Krista Nicklaus
Brett Handler
The nominating process also allows for forty members in good standing of the Association who are not on the Nominating Committee to also nominate a candidate for election to the Board of Governors by petition. The petition process ended on February 5, 2019, with two petitions filed nominating Martin Cohen and Kevin Kramp.
Martin Cohen
Kevin Kramp
I would like to thank the Nominating Committee and Executive Assistant Linda George for their time and ded- ication to this year’s nominating process.
John Cohen, Chairperson 2018/2019 Nominating Committee
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Committee and Club Reports
The Board of Governors is deeply appreciative of the many residents who volunteer their time to serve on the Frenchman’s Creek Standing Committees, Sub-Committees, and Ad Hoc Committees. We thank these Committees for their combined efforts and contribution to our Community.
ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD Ruth Krall, Chairperson Liam Egan & Jeffrey Stanfield, Board Oversights
Dick Adler Stuart Halpert Lois Kleinberg
Cary Luskin Stephen Parks Harvey Schultz
Melvin Shuter
This year the ARB acted upon approximately 25 applications including: new builds, additions and new roofs. All significant applications are reviewed by an outside architect as well as the Committee. A great deal of time and effort was expended by the Committee to update the ARB Manual. New standards were developed per- taining to solar panels, and the appeal process was modified to reflect what is required in our Governing Documents.
The committee continues its efforts to satisfy the desires of individual members while ensuring architectural harmony with- in the community.
The ARB collected $26,815 in fees this year.
Ruth Krall, Chairperson Architectural Review Board
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ART EXPO Barry Fenner, Chairperson Ethel Schultz, Board Oversight
Ruth Amiel Arlene Caplan Laurie Comiteau
Joan Gelch Ruth Karlin Adele Shamban
Carol Smith Ruth Stavisky Sue Sternberg
On January 25 th and January 26 th , Frenchman’s Creek cele- brated our 26 th Art Expo Exhibition. This years theme was “ART in BLOOM”. We incorporated colorful flowers throughout our exposition. We enjoyed viewing wonderful artwork from our members and staff. As in the past, we also included our “Young at Art” and enjoyed seeing our young members creativity. As a tribute to those Artists that have passed away, we also displayed their artwork. Our 26th Art Expo was a great success and everyone enjoyed seeing the creARTivity of residents and staff. We enjoyed seeing the many creative talents of our Frenchman’s Creek community. Both evenings began with an open-bar cocktail hour with delicious hors d’oeuvres. The members enjoyed viewing all the interesting artworks. It was fun meeting the Artists and chatting with them about their Art creations. The viewing was followed by a fabulous four course dinner, with dancing and listening to the music of the Street Talk Orchestra. Eve- ryone enjoyed these nights of “ART in BLOOM”. Our Art Curator, Kelly Luchini, did a fantastic job in setting up the artworks professionally and esthetically for all to en- joy.
Roberto, Jose, and Prophet, of our Engineering department, did a great job in creating walls, partitions, and lighting to accentuate all the beautiful artwork. Many thanks to Chef Bernd Linsenmayer and his culinary staff: Martin, Jasmin and David, and to the Food and Beverage Depart- ment: Ashish Sethi, Vineet Choudhary, Martina Haut, Andrea Ile, and Jackie Acotanza. A special thanks to Mariia Sliusarenko, who without her help, this large undertaking would not have been so successful.
Thank you to Norma Lippman, who always does a great job in- terviewing our Artists for FCTV.
Thank you to our committee members for all of their positive feedback.
Thank you to Achal Goswami and Marty Slepkow, who gave me the opportunity to chair Art Expo 2019, a job I thoroughly enjoy.
Barry Fenner, Chairperson Art Expo Committee
Bridge playing at Frenchman’s Creek continues to be very popular with a sanctioned ACBL dupli- cate bridge game on Friday afternoons, as well as daily social bridge games.
The ladies and men’s card rooms are in constant use and many other areas in the clubhouse are being used to accommodate our growing bridge program, including the Main Dining Room, Living Room, Lounge and Sports Bar area.
Hank Rosely continues to do a great job directing our friendly duplicate bridge games.
Dr. Mel Shuter Chairperson
Phillip Alder has returned this year to teach intermediate bridge classes. These sessions are very well attended and our members found the lessons to be excellent.
Our ladies and men’s teams did very well and we look forward to another great Bridge season. We hope our members will continue to enjoy our bridge program and we encourage new member partici- pation as well.
As always, our thanks to the entire Food & Beverage staff who make all our card games more enjoy- able.
Mel Shuter, Chairperson Bridge Club
2018/2019 Annual Report Page 12
COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Bobbe Wiener, Chairperson —FC Life Norma Lippman, Chairperson—FCTV Steven Bernstein & Ed Zimmerman—Board Oversights
Louise Albert Mimi Bergel Shirley Goldberg
Marleen Hacker Mark Hurd Myrna Leven Rima Robinson
Joan Siegel Lois Stern Judy Tobin
FRENCHMAN’S CREEK LIFE Our “communication” at Frenchman’s Creek is very busy every year providing the membership with all the last minute news, activities and past events of our community. Frenchman’s Creek Life is the name of our monthly publica- tion as it reflects our daily life at Frenchman’s Creek and what makes our community so special. Our cover differenti- ates it from other publications and will have the same cover each month. FC LIFE is published from October until June. Our publication is by, for and about our members. Our columns include: “The Home Front” which mentions who has moved into the community or changed houses in the community. The “Precious Pets,” column depicts our mem- bers with their pets and a little story about the pet. The wonderful column, “Up The Creek,” is our personal column of interesting and memorable happenings in our resi- dents’ lives that they wish to share with everyone. One of our columns reviews past events, so all can know what is hap- pening in our community; and another depicts the winners of the Ladies Golf Tournaments plus an article about the major tournaments. We also have a “Meet your Neighbor” column which highlights new residents to Frenchman’s Creek. Members are encouraged to share their joys with the commu- nity, contribute an article of interest or just be a guest con- tributor for an issue. I cannot thank my Frenchman’s Creek Life Committee enough for the exceptional and outstanding job they have done this year. They are a pleasure to work with and greatly
enjoy being correspondents. Feel free to talk to any of them if you have something you want published. We work hard to up- grade our articles, bring you news of our members and offer other columns of interest for our members to read. We are al- ways looking for new columns and are open to suggestions. The paper continues to get better each year and I thank the Mar- keting/Communications Personnel, Pamela Rudd and her staff, for their help and support. FCTV This has been a transitional year for us at Chanel 999. Our for- mer Audio Visual Technician, J.P. Caldwell, left for personal reasons and we have recently welcomed Stephen Jean-Jacques to our staff as the Audio/Video Technician Manager. Stephen is working hard to become acquainted with our equipment, espe- cially the 4K editing PC Computer, which we purchased recent- ly. This computer is considerably faster in performance and will increase the speed of editing. Other new equipment includes: an auxiliary editing machine that ingests footage for the purpose of organizing and tagging for the other computer, and a Canon L series lens (very high quality) which is giving us the ability to be more flexible while filming and photographing. We have also upgraded the lighting in the studio.
We look forward to achieving a better product in the coming year.
Bobbe Wiener, Chairperson Norma Lippman, Co-Chair (FCTV) Communications Committee
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ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE Judy Konigsberg & Ethel Schultz, Co-Chairpersons Paula Wolfson, Design Consultant
Wendi Adler Harris Berman Sandy Bobb Arlene Cohen Michael Eigner Barbara Field Andrea Finkel
Linda Halpern Barbara Hanig Sandi Hoffman Dottie Kovel Gale Salz Joan Schwartzman
Susan Shaw Carol Sherman Lila Silver Sue Sternberg Carol Warshauer Wendy Weinstein Paula Wolfson
The objectives of the entertainment committee include develop- ing and presenting new, exciting and imaginative evenings that members will enjoy attending. Its purpose is to provide a happy and fun atmosphere through entertainment programs, such as Holiday Happenings and themed décor that result in community pride. As always, we presented a guide book for the season which has all the events for the year…it was a change in format and every- one seems to like it. We opened the season with what has become our annual Hal- loween party. Each year more and more members are attending. On December 9 th , we had our opening dinner dance with over 300 present. Everyone had a fabulous time. Thanks to Paula Wolfson for the most beautiful décor. The room was breathtak- ing, the food was exceptional, and the band was the best. Each morning during the holiday week we had favors for our grandchildren at breakfast, and then a show at 10am. One of the most successful shows was “High Tech and High Touch.” We exploded volcanoes and made slime, among other child friendly activities. These shows were attended by many visiting fami- lies, sometimes with more than 200 in attendance. The carnival was a huge success. There were plenty of games and rides for all ages, and the weather was warm and sunny. This year we added tenting over the lunch tables. Protection from the sun seemed most appreciated. We hired a video game bus that was kept busy by our teenagers.
The theme nights were very successful. The New Year’s par- ties were a great success. The family party was filled with much excitement and energy. Thru the week we provided DJs and themed party nights. The food was delicious and the décor was exquisite; it created an ambiance that was perfect for New Year’s Eve. Truly a thrill to be there. In January, we began with the Headliners Series which was held on Thursday evening. Opening this year were the Bronx Wanderers. Cabaret nights were on Monday evenings at the Beach Club, and Live on Saturday Night continued as usual showcasing wonderful and diverse entertainers. Please continue to join us and help make more wonderful memories at Frenchman’s Creek. We appreciate all the sup- port the community has given to all our events. We may dream it up, but you make it come to life!
Judy Konigsberg & Ethel Schultz, Co-Chairpersons Entertainment Committee
2018/2019 Annual Report Page 14
Barry Byrd Ilene Gerber Ruth Karlin Lois Kleinberg Ruth Krall
Blossom Peretz Robyn Rosenblatt Freddie Schefren Barbara Sidel Lila Silver
In late October, the External Affairs Committee hosted a speaker from the League of Women Voters, who educated the community on the 2018 state ballot amendments. CARE FL and Martin County settled their lawsuit against Brightline in late November. The settlement means that the Brightline trains may someday run along the A1A tracks, and if they do, we will have quiet zones at the Donald Ross and Hood Rd. intersections. While our fight against the railroad is over, CARE continues to monitor the execution of the settle- ment agreement.
On February 12, the External Affairs Committee welcomed Vice- Mayor Carl Woods and Mayor Maria Marino, who delivered a State of the City presentation to the membership. On February 19, the Committee hosted the annual External Affairs luncheon. Our keynote speaker was Congressman Brian Mast.
Jane Feinstein, Chairperson External Affairs Committee
FINANCE COMMITTEE Jonathan Nelson, Chairperson Fred Stern, Vice Chair Frank Spitalny & David Rosenblatt, Board Oversights
James Anchin Larry Cohen
David Kimball Larry Kleinberg Paul Konigsberg Martin Krall Mark Petricoff
Edward Sack Robert Scherer Robert Shaw Anne Sternlicht Michael Strongin Howard Winer
Rhoda Edelman William Gersten John Hecht Robert Jacobson
Enclosed in this annual report are the audited financial state- ments of Frenchman’s Creek Inc. for the twelve months ending April 30, 2018. Our audit firm, RSM US LLP, issued a clean or unqualified opinion on the audit of the Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended April 2018. The budget variance for the year was a negative $38K on a $40.3M over-all budget.
I would like to thank Fred Stern, Vice Chairman, for all of his suggestions and continuing support. I would also thank the knowledgeable committee members who devote their time and expertise in providing important guidance and oversight to the Club. On another matter, I would like to thank Fred Stern and Paul Konigsberg for their work with the banks in discussing poten- tial funding for the proposed new clubhouse renovation pro- ject. Kudos also to Board members, Martin Slepkow and Jef- frey Stanfield for their assistance. Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the excellent job per- formed by our management and financial staff. The account- ing team is hardworking and dedicated and I would like to recognize their hard work and excellence.
The Club’s Balance Sheet remains strong and Accounts Receiv- ables are in good order.
The Committee and various sub-committees conducted due diligence reviews of the annual Operating and Capital budgets. Both subcommittees worked diligently to ensure the club results were discussed and recommendations were made to the Board prior to approval. The Committee has worked hard on reviewing and analyzing many of the most important issues facing our community and listed below are a few of the highlights: We ended fiscal year 2017-2018 with no delinquent mem- ber accounts. Home sales for the period were twenty-nine (29).
Jonathan P. Nelson, Chairperson and Fred Stern, Vice Chairperson Finance Committee
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FITNESS COMMITTEE Michael Smith Chairperson Richard Golber, Board Oversight
Mary Lou Cocci Beth Elgort Peter Feinstein
Ellen Goldstein Linda Jacobs Edward Sack
Candace Scherer Barbara Sidel Annette Schilling
Use of the Fitness Center & Spa continues to grow enabled by a growing and truly expert staff along with new and varied clas- ses. Many of the trainers and spa personnel have continued at Frenchman’s Creek for many years. They are an amazing dedi- cated group with individuals that continue to upgrade their edu- cational certifications. Frenchman’s Creek residents are blessed with superb physical facilities and wonderful staff. As a result increasing numbers of members are spending increasing time in the Fitness Center thus attaining better physical condition and health. Marisol Jimenez, the Director, organizes a staff of sixty (60) and schedules forty-five (45) weekly programs, not to mention the numerous holiday programs. Marisol is doing an outstand- ing job in her first year with this responsibility. She was instru- mental in the purchase of new equipment such as the Peloton
bikes. Her main focus is to continue with current health and wellness trends.
In order to accommodate the increasing use of the facilities, there is continued preliminary discussion for the expansion of the current physical plant and/or the addition of a separate spa facility with more current and competitive lifestyle elements.
The Fitness Center is an amazing facility with so much to offer everyone in the Community.
Mike Smith, Chairperson Fitness Committee
FOOD AND BEVERAGE COMMITTEE Jeffrey Glazer, Chairperson
Mel Boren Beth Elgort Sydney Katz David Kimball
Marie Kravecas Debbie Luskin Judy Rubin Gale Salz
Lila Silver Susan Slepkow Lewis Steinberg Michael Strongin
Your Food and Beverage Committee was quite active this year. The Go Green Initiative replaced styrofoam cups, plas- tic straws and to-go boxes with biodegradable alternatives. Our first Food and Film Festival was held over eight consecu- tive weeks featuring food, beverage and films from the re- spective countries. New dinner menus throughout the dining venues received many positive reviews. Many of our members felt the lunch and dinner menu items made a dramatic improvement. Dis- plays of weekly lunch specials made a positive impact. An a la carte menu at The Grille was well received.
Menus now have gluten free and vegan signs to help guide our members. A healthy Grab and Go snack at the fitness center pool outlet was tried. Our wine dinners (gourmet, ultimate, winemaker) were well attended and now have a strong follow- ing. The Chef’s Table continues to be quite popular and was featured in a new member event. On a final note, I again would like to sincerely thank our won- derful and dedicated staff who works endless hours to make Frenchman’s Creek a joy for all of us.
Jeffrey Glazer, Chairperson Food & Beverage Committee
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Wendi Adler, Chairperson
Mimi Bergel Gaby Brinkwirth Arlene Caplan Mary Lou Cocci Susan Davis Grace Drusinsky
Marjorie Feinstein Penny Fierstein Ellen Goldstein Marleen Hacker Lois Kleinberg Debra Lalonde
Ellen Lattman Carol Pulver Sharon Rochlin Linda Robins Robyn Rosenblatt Annette Schilling
Susan Shaw Sydelle Shaw Helene Shuter Lisette Siegel Lila Silver Suzanne Speiser
Jana Spiess Toni Smith
Anne Stanfield Sharon Strongin Joanne Weinbach Jenifer Weintraub
We end our season with a flighted Club Championship event. We begin the season and end the season with an ABCD 9-hole scramble followed by a luncheon. We would like to thank the FCLGA Board for their dedica- tion and hard work. Special thanks to our Director of Golf, JR Congdon, as well as Chris Horn, Will Jones and Kim Augusta for their invaluable assistance. If you are interested in joining the FCLGA or would like more information, please contact Wendi Adler, Chairperson.
The Frenchman’s Creek Ladies Golf Association (“FCLGA”) is open to all women residents of Frenchman’s Creek. Our objectives are to create, promote, and maintain women’s golf and its activities. Each year we seek to present exciting and stimulating golf events for the community. We currently have over 240 members. During the year, we sponsored two Ladies Member Guest Days; a Mixed Member Guest Day, 5 fabulous “Nine, Wine and Dine” events; Couples or Same Sex events and our Tues- day Ladies Days for both 18 and 9 holers. We also sponsored clinics for new and seasoned golfers.
Wendi Adler, Chairperson Frenchman’s Creek Ladies Golf Association
We run three partnered multi-day major tournaments each season: the Eclectic, Member-Member, and The Bruno Cup.
GOLF COMMITTEE Jeffrey Parker, Chairperson Norman Barham, Richard Golber & David Rosenblatt, Board Oversights
Mel Boren Avroy Fanaroff Ira Kovel
Stanley Lattman Robert Scherer Herbert Selzer Robert Sheldon
Michael Slosberg Howard Winer Marvin Zucker
This year we again had terrific participation in Men’s Opening Day. Members of all levels participated in our ABCD format. The Golf Committee is committed to making the golf experi- ence at our club the highest quality for members and guests. We encourage members to participate in our Member/Guest Day and The Frenchman’s Cup as well as the various tourna- ments at our club. These events are competitive as well as a nice way to meet other members of the community. The Golf Committee appreciates the encouragement made by members who run games to increase participation in golf events. New initiatives for the season included: Adding a Veterans’ Day tournament which raised over $10,000 for homeless veter- ans; moving the Presidents’ Cup from Friday/Saturday to a Friday/Monday event resulting in a substantial increase in par- ticipants; day 2 of the Presidents’ Cup format was changed
from a scramble to an alternate shot format; we acquired a Trackman to assistant in giving golf lessons; silver tees were moved forward resulting in a course index adjustment which will be reflected on new scorecards; and, we moved Member/Guest #1 from Wednesday back to Monday morn- ing resulting in nearly a 100% increase in participation. We are fortunate to have an outstanding Professional Golf Staff. Our entire Golf Staff, headed by JR Congdon, create a pleasant environment for play, instruction and tourna- ments. We encourage our fellow members to thank the golf professionals for the efforts they made during the year.
Jeffrey Parker, Chairperson Golf Committee
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GREEN COMMITTEE Mel Boren & Michael Eigner, Co-Chairpersons
James Anchin Eric Becker Stewart Friedman Martin Gregge
Ira Kovel Jeffrey Parker Sydelle Shaw Robert Sheldon Randy Siler
Michael Smith Michael Strongin Jenifer Weintraub Marvin Zucker
The Green Committee is now working with the Golf Com- mittee and JR Congdon to change the existing rule that re- quires a golfer to play the ball as it lies on all gravel cart paths. The U.S.G.A will allow relief from any type of cart path surface if it is a designated cart path. The maintenance department will add a small row of level turf where needed to allow a place for fair and legal relief. This summer there are plans to make improvements to the North course. The Board approved a project that will extend the life of the North course until a more comprehensive reno- vation is carried out. During the 10 week project the contam- inated collars and low cut surrounds will get resurfaced and re-grassed. The tee tops that have become crowned with age will get leveled and re-grassed as well. The sand in all the bunkers will be replaced and a special liner will be installed on steep faces. The liner allows for a thin layer of sand to greatly reduce the occurrence of plugged lies. There are also plans to further beautify the plant beds. Let us finish by saying any feedback from the membership that will help us continue to enjoy our golf courses is wel- come. We would also like to thank the entire Committee for their service on behalf of the community.
The Green Committee would like to thank the entire mainte- nance department, as well as Elegant’s golf crew for maintain- ing our courses at the high level we all expect. The staff was busy again last summer completing all the turf programs that get the courses ready for the season. Fairway topdressing will continue to improve the firmness and playabil- ity off the tee. Our customized fertility regiment combined with a more focused pest control program is making the turf stronger. The first phase of the cart path repair project was completed. This summer the second part tackles most of the broken sections on the South course. In the left rough of number 4 and 10 North some of the coarse St. Augustine grass was converted to Paspa- lum to improve playability. The golf landscaping crew from Elegant was boosted a few months ago. During the last year they have cleaned and detailed several natural areas and en- hanced the overall beautification of both courses. A new lake management company has been hired to improve the cleanliness of our lakes. The new company is utilizing beneficial bacteria to mitigate the muck layer on the bottom of our aging lakes. Their efforts are already showing by creating more open area and the clarity of the water will continue to improve.
Mel Boren & Michael Eigner, Co-Chairpersons Green Committee
GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE Alex Sobel, Chairperson
Stewart Friedman Bette Goldberg Judy Jaffe Paul Konigsberg Martin Krall
Jeffrey Parker William Sherman Toni Smith Norman Stavisky Ira Weinstein
The Grievance Committee’s role is to investigate all written complaints relative to any Member’s conduct and acts, and to hold hearings regarding the inappropriate conduct of a Member towards another Member or employee. The Grievance Commit- tee will then recommend to the Board of Governors appropriate disciplinary action. It is important to note that the Committee may not fine or suspend a Member directly. The Committee can only make recommendations to the Board.
This year the Grievance Committee heard several cases. The Committee made the appropriate recommendations of mem- ber disciplinary action to the Board, which were unanimously approved without appeal. The Grievance Committee and the Board of Governors con- tinue to support a zero-tolerance policy towards abusive be- havior directed at staff by any Member or a Member’s guest. The Committee, the Board, and Administration are fully com- mitted to pursue all instances of this type of behavior.
Alex Sobel, Chairperson Grievance Committee
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INSURANCE COMMITTEE Norman Barham, Chairperson
Albert Eisen Alan Fuirst Larry Kleinberg
Stephen Parks Frank Spitalny Fred Stern
The 2018/2019 workers compensation program from Zenith Insurance was renewed with the same 25% flat dividend applied to the audited premium. Both Zenith and Tanen- baum Harber of Florida have provided guidance on im- provements that are being implemented and monitored to address trends in the workers compensation loss history as part of the continuing effort to reduce future costs of the workers compensation policy. Tanenbaum Harber continues to monitor our claims activity including overseeing recent liability claims. Although we did not incur any major losses, we did have a fair amount of liability claims. We also had several serious worker compensation claims. We have a very skilled Committee who provides valuable insight and oversight for the community’s $2.5M insurance portfolio. I would like to thank them for their service to Frenchman’s Creek.
Florida Blue Cross remains as our underwriter on the em- ployee medical benefits. We will also undertake a review by other consultants to determine if we are receiving the best programs for the employees of the Club. Tanenbaum Harber of Florida has continued to service all the property and casualty lines of coverage for Frenchman’s Creek. The 2018/2019 policies with Zurich were renewed for the Property, General Liability and Auto policies with no major price or deductible increases despite recent cata- strophic loss events in Florida. Our agents were able to re- duce the rate on the cost of the wind buy back policy. There was a recommended change to the insurance company providing the Cyber Liability policy. The 2018/2019 Cyber Liability policy was placed with Chubb Insurance. Chubb’s policy form provided improved policy terms and expanded coverage limits while also reducing the annual premium for this valuable coverage. All other lines of coverage were re- newed with stable coverage terms and pricing.
Norman Barham, Chairperson Insurance Committee
LEGAL COMMITTEE Martin Krall, Chairperson Jeffrey Glazer, Jonathan Nelson & Jeffrey Stanfield, Board Oversights
Peter Berkley Barry Byrd Helen Colman
Richard Fleisher Lois Kleinberg Bruce Levy
Ellen Malasky
The primary purpose of the Legal Committee is to assist the Executive Director and to advise the Board of Governors in recognizing where outside legal advice would be advanta- geous and to review issues the community may face from a legal perspective.
The Legal Committee is comprised of various talented lawyers and I thank them for their very valuable service to the community.
Martin Krall, Chairperson Legal Committee
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MARKETING COMMITTEE Michael Eigner, Chairperson
Nancy Berkley Chris Burke Lynn Byrd
Richard Golber Debbie Greenberg Abraham Kamor Gale Salz
Suzanne Speiser Ira Weinstein Carrol Zazik
Strengthen the connection between club offerings, member satisfaction and the enhancement of market share. Challeng- es in the areas of membership growth, usage, retention and satisfaction can be overcome when a club is correctly posi- tioned as a lifestyle enhancement, has relevant programming and “makes sense” to existing and potential members. Secure a strong connection including awareness, brand con- sistency and creativity, all which require robust communica- tion capabilities. We have focused on internal and external best practices: Member Referral Realtor Awareness Drip Marketing Campaigns Website Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Website Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Website Social Media Marketing (SMM) Reaching a targeted audience with solid messaging Setting Frenchman’s Creek Beach and Country Club apart from our competitors
Membership Structure and Development: The key to French- man’s Creek Beach and Country Club social and financial suc- cess is a full membership that actively enjoys the Club. As such, Marketing Committee initiatives have addressed membership strategies and action items that:
Build a waiting list for membership. Grow the non-golfing member activities.
Make the club more inviting and welcoming to guests and prospective members. Increase existing member use and retention. Encourage members to become involved in membership marketing process. Offer policies that are consistent, balanced and appropriate for the type of active, total family-oriented club that is Frenchman’s Creek. Applying the education received through research and analy- sis is what makes us competitive and sustainable within the market.
Michael Eigner, Chairperson Marketing Committee
MEMBER RELATIONS COMMITTEE Judy Rubin, Chairperson Krista Nicklaus, Board Oversight
Sue Davis Avroy Fanaroff Arlene Feldman Connie Golber
Lauren Jacobson Shelley Parker Gale Salz Barbara Sidel
Susan Slepkow Bobbi Sobel Ruth Stavisky Joanne Weinbach
This year we tried to offer a small and varied event every month during season in order to bring new members and committee members together with our overall goal of integrating new members as quickly as possible into our community. Each member of the committee was assigned to a new member and asked to personally make contact with them in November. All Committee members were asked to include a new member at their table for the opening dinner dance. I am proud to report that most did. Our first event that also included our Board of Governors was held on November 29, 2018. It consisted of an evening cocktail party followed by a team building exercise. All attendees were divided into two teams and participated in a take off on the television show “Family Feud.” All questions per- tained to life at Frenchman’s Creek. There were loads of laughs as well as maximum new/long time member interactions. At the conclusion of the evening, all new members were presented with wonderful Frenchman’s Creek related “goodie” bags. On December 9, 2018, we had a separate section in the dining room for the Sunday Night Barbeque. Again, we had great par- ticipation beginning with drinks and hors d’oeuvres in the lounge.
On January 15, 2019 we had an elegant evening showcasing our Chefs’ many talents. Chairperson of the Food and Bever- age Committee and Board Member, Jeffrey Glazer, intro- duced 42 attendees to the Chef’s Table concept with or with- out wine pairings. The Committee opted to change things up this year so that every avenue was given to new members to mix and mingle with each other and with their new neighbors. I personally want to thank each committee member for their assistance in making these events lively, fun and interesting. Additionally, a special thank you to Kathy O’Brien for her support, guid- ance and ingenuity, as well as Martina Haut and all of the Food and Beverage staff for their invaluable expertise.
Judy Rubin, Chairperson Member Relations Committee
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SECURITY COMMITTEE Frank Spitalny, Chairperson Ed Zimmerman, Board Oversight
Murray Brown John Hecht
Iris Leaf Joel Leavitt Norman Stavisky
Lewis Steinberg Jenifer Weintraub
During the past year, a number of security initiatives have been accomplished with guidance from the Security Com- mittee. The topic of traffic safety is an ongoing concern of the Se- curity Committee. Educational initiatives, such as videos, newsletter articles, and email blasts continue to be utilized by Security to enlighten residents and guests about speed- ing, stopping at stop signs, pedestrians walking in the cor- rect direction, not overloading golf carts during the holidays, and not allowing underage drivers to utilize golf carts on property. The speeding issue on property remains under control with brief increases during the holidays. Our Stop Sign issue continues to be problematic and we have begun a new initiative of posting security staff at various locations to educate residents and guests should they choose not to stop. Due to recent events, approximately 1,600 feet of fence line will have sensors added to enhance the existing perimeter security system. The recent security breach is a wake-up call to all of us that although we make tremendous effort to se-
cure the community, we can never be completely invul- nerable to the crime that occurs every day outside our walls and fences. Our perimeter security system has been re-assessed and in addition to enhancements, Allied Uni- versal, our security provider, will be conducting random “Red-Team” exercises in an attempt to breach the perime- ter. This testing of our perimeter from outside Allied Uni- versal staff will test our cameras, analytics, sensors, and staff in order to insure the technology is functioning and the staff is maintaining vigilant. Moving into 2019 the Security Committee will continue its efforts to monitor and guide the Security Department in maintaining the highest levels of safety and security for our community. The Committee would like to thank Director Mark Hall and his staff for their continuous efforts to safeguard the community.
Frank Spitalny, Chairperson Security Committee
TENNIS COMMITTEE Lee Storch, Chairperson Norman Barham, Board Oversight
Mickey Berman Lynn Byrd Joel Comiteau
Joan Gelch Robert Gleiber Joel Leavitt Laura Lustig
Daniel Myerson Candace Scherer William Sherman
We have had an active and fun filled year in the Tennis pro- gram. The upgrades to our irrigation system have resulted in excellent play on five more courts. The holidays brought in a large crowd of tennis players which Frenchman’s Creek was able to accommodate nicely. The Children’s program was successful once again as well. The newly expanded Pickleball and surrounding areas turned out beautifully. Many people have commented on how much they are enjoying the Pickleball program and the socialization associated with their activities.
Bocce Ball & Pétanque roll along and participants are hav- ing fun.
Once again, the Tennis Committee would like to thank the Board of Governors and Mr. Goswami for their support. The Committee also thanks Tikky Srieud, Director of Ten- nis, Kristen Wertenberger, Head Tennis Professional, and Paul Lambrakis, Shop Manager.
Lee Storch, Chairperson Tennis Committee
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