July 05, 2017 - Issue 11- President's Report
As I previously reported, this summer the mandated remediation work at the Beach Club will begin on July 10 th and will take approximately ten weeks to complete. The scope of the work in- cludes demolition on the north side of the building of certain structures that were built into the set- back, replacement of the outside canopy and the installation of a fire suppressant system around the perimeter of the building. At the end of the fis- cal year, we had $490k available in the Beach Club assessment fund. Unless we run into some- thing unexpected, I believe this is enough to cover the job, as the contract price is $487k. We continue to talk with the Juno Beach Town Council regarding our zoning petition to be- come classified as a conforming use. The Town hired an independent counsel to advise them. It is anticipated that the independent counsel’s report will be presented to the Town Council no later than their August meeting. Pursuant to our Rules and Regulations, all violations and penalties recommended by the Grievance Committee and imposed by the Board of Governors are published. The following grievances were approved by the Board and have been served after the right of appeal expired: GRIEVANCES:
After the presentation, the Board met with Bob Martin to discuss and review the process required to develop design and ar- chitectural plans needed to determine the scope of work, timing of the work and the cost. After much discussion, the Board vot- ed to allocate $150,000 from its capital con- tingency funds to engage the services of Decorators Unlimited and other profession- als to develop the necessary plans. An Ad Hoc Committee of the Board was appointed to work with Decorators Unlimited to deter- mine the scope of work. Operational needs, including the multi-purpose uses of various rooms and member comfort will be taken in- to consideration. Many months of work will be needed prior to submitting any refurbish- ment plans to the membership for review and eventual approval. Also at this meeting, the Board re- viewed the purpose and practicality of the Hole-In-One fund. Issues were raised re- garding the perceived abuse of offering un- limited free drinks to the membership each time a hole-in-one occurs. At the end of the discussion, the Board voted to discontinue free drinks, but to continue rewarding a plaque and $300 golf shop credit to the member who has the hole-in-one. To be eli- gible for such award, the member must be enrolled in the Hole-In-One Fund. STRATEGIC PLANNING STEERING COMMITTEE REPORT: The strategic planning process contin- ues. Based on the results of the member survey and other data, the Strategic Plan- ning Steering Committee has completed the following: determined the issues that rise to a strategic level; updated the vision, mission and values statements; and identified strate- gic goals. The Committee is now working on action plans for achieving the strategic goals. The member survey results have been emailed to the membership.
Walking a dog while driving in a golf cart and without a leash
Suspended from use of all Recreational Facili- ties, with the exception of take-out service, for a
Mona Abrams
period of one week, while in residence.
Inappropriate behavior towards a member
Suspended from use of all Recreational Facili- ties, for a period of three days, while in resi- dence.
Merrick Marshall
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