The Ryder Cup was played in Guyancourt, France this past year and when you entered the grounds, there were two large TEES greeting you. One for the Europeans and one for the Americans. These two tees are now gracing our pro shop for the remainder of the season. They are made out of resin by Hubert Privé. He is a French sculptor who loves golf and is known very well in the European golf world. He sculpts with anything related to golf. Another sculpture of his is on display in the pre foyer. He was originally with a luxurious well known French design h ouse and when he left, he pursued his love of golf and art. His smaller tee ; made out of black cherry wood , is also on display in the golf shop. Mr. Privé will sculpt a tee to your specific requirements. The House of Arts Gallery at Harbourside has graciously lent these works of Hubert to us. Gallery owner, Lucien Benisti has also lent us the modern paintings gracing the walls in the lower level of the clubhouse.
We urge you all to visit his gallery– it is a treat.
bobbe wiener
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