
Black sand is used in cool months or in periods of low light intensity. Unfortunately, both conditions are currently present. It is the same topdressing sand that has been used for the past five months, but has been dyed black (the same process used to produce green sand). The black sand helps draw in heat from the sun in the same way that someone wearing a black shirt (or driving a black car) will feel warmer on a sunny day. In past trials I have done, I have found a soil temperature difference between 6- and 7-degrees Fahrenheit, which translates to a 10-15% increase in our soil temperatures this time of year... something that is invaluable to the health of the turf. TRAFFIC

By now you have noticed some different traffic control measures on the course. In lieu of the previous stake/rope system, we have shifted to green/white stakes (pictured) to direct traffic. These stakes will be placed in areas where we need to encourage carts to avoid, which is mainly around tees, greens, fairway entrances and exits, and any weak areas that develop. These stakes are less obtrusive than the larger stakes and ropes and allow for a safer traversing of the course for those that may walk. However, they don’t provide a constant barrier, so it is important to be mindful of their presence and not drive through the areas they have been set, even

when a cart may fit between them. Additionally, there will be new fairway exit blue stakes arriving soon to help guide carts back to the cart paths before the green complex. If players abide by these traffic control measures, we will have a much better shot of ensuring better turf health and playability into the spring. PIN MANAGEMENT One exciting thing that has been implemented is our new ezLocator pin placement software. This software relies on scans that were done in late summer to map out the slopes of each of our greens. This slope data, along with green speed data and certain set parameters, allows the web-hosted software to generate pin locations each day. After extensive internal training and testing, we are excited to introduce it to our membership. Each day, a pin sheet will be available to those that would like to access it. The pin sheet will give the coordinates of each pin, based on the number of paces from the front edge and from either the left or right side of the green. It will be available as a printed copy upon request at the Golf Shop, or at the Starter Shack. Additionally, there is a smartphone application available that will display the pin locations, but please note that you should check the rules of individual golf groups, golf associations, or tournaments as to whether the usage of a cellular device is allowed. In instances when phone use is discouraged or prohibited, the printed version will be available. On page four of this update, you will find a brief description of the application and the software from ezLocator. -Bill Schmit Director of Agronomy

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