Club Rules & Regulations The rules, regulations, and policies contained herein are derived from many of the generally accepted practices and traditions of the private golf courses everywhere. The primary objective of the golf program at Frenchman’s Creek Beach & C.C. is to make an enjoyable experience for members and guests alike to establish an atmosphere that leads to good play, fellowship, and inherent courtesy on the course. Golf 1. Definition: For the purpose of this section, the term “in season” is construed to mean the period November 1 st through April 30 th and “off season” the period May 1 st through October 30 th . 2. Etiquette a. U.S.G.A. Rules shall govern the play and conduct of the players while on the golf course, except where modified by local rules issued by the Golf Committee . b. All rules apply throughout the year unless specifically modified “in season” use only (November 1 st through April 30 th ) c. Members are responsible for the conduct and proper attire of their guests while using any of the golf facilities. d. Respect and consideration of the golf courses, the several practice facilities and for the play of others is expected of all. Players are obligated to uphold the following:
e. Maintain “Pace of Play” (see Ranger Operations)
Repair all ball marks on the greens.
g. Rake bunkers then replace rake as directed.
h. Use sand to fill tee and fairway divots.
i. Paper, cigars, cigarettes, cups, and other trash should be placed in the receptacles provided. j. Broken tees must be picked up and placed in the receptacles provided; (broken tees damage mower blades). k. Language, dress, and general decorum on the golf course, practice range and putting greens must be proper at all times. Our professional staff is authorized to prohibit from play or practice any person not properly attired.
l. Ladies are prohibited from wearing tank tops, jeans, tennis or short shorts.
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