Food and Beverage Training Manual 2021
Member Requests and Personal Preferences
It is our goal to accommodate Member requests, and anticipate a mem- bers needs. This is accomplished by learning or knowing Members likes and dislikes. This goes hand and hand along with Member recognition. Once we know what the Member expects, then anticipation should come almost as second nature. You should be able to look across your room or station and just by making eye contact with a member know what they need or if they want something.
After this ability to know and anticipate Members personal preferences is put to daily use, your job becomes much easier and most importantly the member is made to feel special and therefore is happy.
Courtesy and Complaints
Service complaints
When dealing with the public, and many different personalities, it is inevitable that you will encounter complaints. People have different per- spectives of how things should be done, when they should be done and how often they should be done. Our goal is to keep complaints to an absolute minimum. It is your respon- sibility to make sure you are in touch with what our members are expect- ing and anticipating. Look at their body language; Are they having a good time? Will they say to other people positive things about their dining expe- rience? Will they say positive things about you?
We regard each complaint as an opportunity to satisfy the Member before they leave the restaurant. Proper handling of a Member complaint can turn an unsatisfied person into a permanent friend and loyal Member.
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