FC LIFE February 2018
Great job done by MARK HALL
We thank Stuart Halpert for sharing this letter he wrote to Mark Hall
Thank you very much for participating in Career Day at Palm Beach Gardens High School yesterday morning. You were absolutely terrific. I wish for you to hear that from me, and I wish others at Frenchman's to know it as well! Your participation grew out of a casual conversation you and I had. When I told you what we were doing at Palm Beach Gardens High School in connection with our volunteer program, you told me you would be pleased to be of whatever assistance you could in our mentoring work on entrepreneurial and leadership skills. Well, you "knocked them over" yesterday morning! The kids and the teachers! All, as you walked into the room and lectured them about good impressions, professional development and leadership skills. "Keep your shoes polished!", you told them, among countless other remarkably entertaining and valuable lessons. Thank you, from me, for that reminder in particular! When you finished and started to leave the room to return to your official duties back at Frenchman's, the kids applauded vigorously and yelled, literally, "Please come back!" They have never done that before. You were that good! A great service to the kids, to the teachers, to me, to our fellow mentors at the school, and to the community. It was a great tribute to Frenchman's Creek as well.
Thank you.
And, by the way, you will be coming back! Your time permitting, I will make certain of that.
We urge all our members to please watch channel 999 and view the interview Steve Epstein did with our own JOE SACHS who related his experiences of being a very young man and on the pacific front during World War II.
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