
Column by Lois Stern Photography by Carole Smith

MARJORIE FELD has Enzo and Cody. Enzo had a haircut for this article (pictured below!) Enzo is a 5 month old Havanese puppy. He was named for the dog in the book “The Art of Racing in the Rain”, and is a wonderful new addition to my home. He also now has a feline “brother”,Cody, my 14 year old Siamese cat, and they have become buddies. While Cody enjoys lounging in the house, Enzo has discovered the joy of having a fenced in backyard, and is also happily meeting his four legged neighbors! Another happy Frenchman’s tail!

BOB LIFTON has informed us that the planned series by MGM about Golda Meir is based on his sister Fran’s book “Lioness” by this all star group - every one award winners! Written and executive produced by Emmy winner Eric Tuchman ( The Handmaid’s Tale ) and to be directed/executive produced by Emmy winner Mimi Leder ( The Morning Show ), the series is based on Lioness: Golda Meir and the Nation of Israel non-fiction book by Francine Klagsbrun. Barbra Streisand is also an executive producer with Pat Ma’s Tassler and DiNovi. On Friday March 19, 2021, a Meet and Greet consisting of new and existing women Members which totaled more than 20 fitness enthusiasts braved the threatening elements to perform grueling exercises (squats, lunges, planks, stretches, etc....) alongside Tournament Drive. The Fitness Center Director, Marisol Jimenez, along with several members of her staff, cheered them on all the way to the end of the par course, where participants were rewarded with various refreshments and chair massages. The consensus was that much fun was had by all, "and we should do that more often". We thank Catherine Gillot, assistant spa and fitness manager for this article

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