FC Life
Lourdes Campon’s Birthday Celebration
On November 22 we all celebrated Thanksgiving in our own special way . LOURDES CAMPON celebrated her 69th birthday the next day not by eating leftovers, but in a non traditional way, and the memories will last a lifetime. Her son, Jose, has gone sky diving various times, and for a long time she kept telling him it was something she always wanted to do. Like any good son who wanted to make his mom happy, he surprised her with a “skydiving adventure”. They drove up to the Palm Beach County Glades Airport in Pahokee on the SE shore of Lake Okeechobee. Fortunately the weather was perfect and clear that day. They were fitted into the harness equipment and boarded a very small plane ( there was only room for the two of them, the pilot, and the instructors). When it was time, they jumped out of the plane at 13,000 feet, while floating through the air and looking at the horizon. They were holding on to the parachute and doing summer- saults, all while admiring the beautiful green scenery by the lake. The landing was very easy according to Lourdes, because her instructor told her to raise her legs at a certain altitude. “Sharing this moment with my son, made this experience one that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Each moment was so thrilling, that I don’t doubt I’ll do it again. It was a real dream come true”.
BY Marleen Hacker
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