FC Life November 2018
NOVEMBER 13, 2018
Flight 1 1 st
Barbara Sheldon, Linda Rosenson, Sandi Lamm, Mary Bartfield Bette Goldberg, Barbara Field, Lois Kleinberg, Sharon Rochlin Judy Holsten, Judy Konigsberg, Susan Fuirst Jenifer Weintraub, Wendi Adler, Jane Feinstein 9 is Enough Rita Miller, Margie Kernan, Joan Parks, Arlene Caplan
2 nd
T3rd T3rd
1 st Place 2 nd Place
Barbara Wildstein, Sibyl Jacobson, Gail Kaltman, Carol Zazik T3rd Place Rhoda Edelman, Michele Haber, Judy Tobin, Mady Friedman T3rd Place Donna Baron, Barbara Davis, Clarissa Singer, Judy Chesler 18 Hole Ladies NOVEMBER 27, 2018 Flight 1 T1 st Place Sharon Strongin, Robin Kimball, Sandi Lamm, Carol West,
Judy Konigsberg, Sharon Rochlin, Bette Goldberg, Nancy Berkley, Connie Forman, Barbara Sheldon, Barbara Field, Dottie Kovel
Flight 2 1 St PlacE 2 nd Place Flight 3 1 st Place 2 nd Place
Evelyn Gutkin, Jeri Jacobs, Elaine Pearlman
Marleen Hacker, Joan Schwartzman, Lois Stern, Sheila Babich
Betsy Bernstein, Barbara Gersten, Susan Slepkow, Carol Pulver
Adele Fine, Annette Schilling, Bobbi Sobel 3 rd Place( Naomi Freedman, Robin Rothenberg, Mimi Bergel, Evie Taback
9 is Enough
1 St Place( 2 nd Place 3 rd Place
Gaby Brinkwirth, Judy Chesler, Ilene Gerber Norma Lippman, Gail Kaltman, Gail Halpern Carol Smith, Judy Tobin, Donna Baron
A ladies member-staff golf mixer was played on Thursday, November 15, with teams of four ladies plus a golf pro participating in an 18 hole competition on the North course. The format was a step-aside scramble, with teams divided into 2 flights. It was delightful playing with our wonderful golf staff. After golf everyone enjoyed the buffet in the grill room, where the results of the tournament were posted. Mimi Bergel
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