FC LIFE January 2023-Edited Copy
Congratulations to the best new grandparents, MARLA KAUFMAN and KEN BEZOZO, and first - time great grandfather, BOB KAUFMAN, on welcoming Blake Juliette Diamond (L) and Olivia James Selarnick R) to the family! First grandchild Olivia James was born on July 29, 2022 in New York City. She is the daughter of Dana Bezozo Selarnick
and Alexander Selarnick (32) who live in Philadelphia with their dog Luna. Five days after Olivia's arrival, Blake Juliette was born on August 3rd, 2022 in Santa Monica, California. She is the daughter of Jamie Bezozo Diamond and Joshua Diamond (37) who live in Los Angeles with their dog Hudson. Best friends and cousins Blake and Olivia met each other and their two - year - old cousin, Abey Benziane, over Thanksgiving at Frenchman's Creek, a sentimental place for their family. New moms Jamie and Dana - who are three years apart in age (and five days, just like their daughters!) -- grew up spending every Thanksgiving at Frenchman's Creek where they made the happiest memories at their grandparents' home - Bob and Jacqueline Kaufman - alongside their parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. The Bezozo family is thrilled to be continuing the tradition of making new memories with the next generation of children at Frenchmans!
RUTH and IRVING LEVINE are extremely excited and proud of their son, Michael Levine. He just received the International Opera Award of BEST OPERA DESIGNER OF THE YEAR. This is a world wide competition .
Please see the article about Ann Brown on page 15. It is a continuation of Up the Creek , but came in after this page was printed. Thank you.
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