ANN BROWN is very proud of her husband, DON BROWN who on Wednesday evening, November 28, 2018, will be inducted into the Washington Business Hall of Fame at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC. He was selected as a 2018 Washington Business Hall of Fame Laureate. The Washington Business Hall of Fame was founded in 1988 by Junior Achievement, the Greater Washington Board of Trade, and Washington Board of Trade, and Washingtoni- an as a way to honor the remarkable contributions of the region’s most notable business leaders.
The accomplishments and legacies of the esteemed Washington Business Hall of Fame Laureates are celebrated at the annual Hall of Fame Dinner, a gala with over 1,100
guests, which culminates in the Induction Ceremony. The evening benefits Junior Achievement of Greater Washing- ton’s innovative financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship programs, which are designed to inspire and empower the next generation to see a brighter future and answer the demands of the 21 st century economy with “I can.”
Below is the interview with DEBBIE HORNSTEIN by Judy Tobin
I started this movie night in January 2013 after about 2 dozen emails to different committees to ask them how I get this going. I was honestly quite disappointed that nobody helped me or even responded to me. Then one day at the Beach Club, one of the old employees said to me get a movie and insist that they put chairs in one of the card rooms and put the DVD in the recorder! Bernie said to me it’s never going work. They set up 24 chairs and 86 people came the very first movie night. I had gotten the idea because my mother was showing films in Indian Springs and she got the idea because she started a little film club in her apartment—just like other people who have book clubs. Since my mother knew she was not going to be here much longer she begged me do this! You’ll get people together of all ages. It creates camaraderie, new friends, and a place for single people to go without having to bring anybody with them in a comfort zone. The first two films showed here were the only films I was advised to show by her - the rest I did on my own as far as researching them. I’ll get DVDs from Netflix and watch them. I watch the coming attractions to
other movies and I keep renting and researching. I’ll go to the independent movie theaters in Long Island, especially in Westhamp- ton over the summer and I’ll rent movies from just different sources like Amazon, etc. While everybody else is enjoying themselves playing golf or at the beach most of the times on Sundays, I just relax outside with my dog and I’ll pop in two or three movies and see what I like and probably for every movie I show here I’ve watched five or six others at least. A few years ago we (the kitchen and I) actually did pair the dinners with a country that the movie came from and desserts, but that’s sort of sizzled out, although I enjoyed doing it that way. I also try and make an assortment movie list to include dramas, comedies, Holocaust, and in all different languages. You have to remember even the films that are in English are foreign films - it could be from Canada, England or even down under Australia. It’s not expected for everybody to love every film. I think one of the most interesting films I saw and showed was called “The Square.” Very few people attended that night and very few people stayed, but the ones that stayed until the end thought it was amazing. I try and do the best I can and I hope this continues on for many years, but it will only continue as far as all of the movie viewers keep on watching! And by the way, the reason why I don’t list the titles until last minute is because I want people to come and watch the films together. I will continue the films throughout the summer two times per month.
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