On April 13th, Frenchman’s Creek Charities held their Annual Appreciation High Tea where the recipients of the weekend long Charity Function received their donations. This charity event is held the end of the season at Frenchman’s. It was founded in 1993 to give back to the communities with whom are involved. It encompasses three communities, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter and Juno Beach. Some of the Palm Beach Gardens designated beneficiaries are the fire, police and recreational departments. Allamanda, Grove Park Schools and Palm Beach Gardens High School plus Loggerhead Marine Life and the Palm Beach County Fire Department. In Jupiter, the Jupiter Medical Center for medical equipment they need, Busch Wildlife Sanctuary, Connor Moran Cancer Foundation for Children, El Sol, West Jupiter Community Center, Ernie Els Autism School of Learning and Furry Friends who train service dogs for veterans (one dog costs $30,000 to train and we have sponsored Charlie Brown). We also donate to other non profit organizations within North Palm Beach. This is the only Frenchman’s Creek Charity that provides funds to approximately 20 beneficiaries. At the tea, we are privy to the extent our funds are needed and appreciated and see first hand a young man who with severe impairments was taught to speak through a computer as he cannot speak otherwise, a veteran “saved” and a new life provid- ed to him by a service dog, children with epilepsy can go to summer camp with other children just like them, the saving of wildlife and medical help to injured turtles and wildlife, assist in learning English at El Sol and help people to get back into the workforce with proper clothing for interviews and after school programs and tutoring for children. Believe me, you are humbled but immensely proud to have been a part of this worth- while charity. While only 30% of our members donate, it is still from our entire community – perhaps next year, more members will understand how important it is to give back and help those more unfortunate . bobbe wiener
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ANN BROWN is very proud of her husband, DON BROWN who on Wednesday evening, November 28, 2018, will be inducted into the Washington Business Hall of Fame at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC. He was selected as a 2018 Washington Business Hall of Fame Laureate. The Washington Business Hall of Fame was founded in 1988 by Junior Achievement, the Greater Washington Board of Trade, and Washington Board of Trade, and Washingtoni- an as a way to honor the remarkable contributions of the region’s most notable business leaders.
The accomplishments and legacies of the esteemed Washington Business Hall of Fame Laureates are celebrated at the annual Hall of Fame Dinner, a gala with over 1,100
guests, which culminates in the Induction Ceremony. The evening benefits Junior Achievement of Greater Washing- ton’s innovative financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship programs, which are designed to inspire and empower the next generation to see a brighter future and answer the demands of the 21 st century economy with “I can.”
Below is the interview with DEBBIE HORNSTEIN by Judy Tobin
I started this movie night in January 2013 after about 2 dozen emails to different committees to ask them how I get this going. I was honestly quite disappointed that nobody helped me or even responded to me. Then one day at the Beach Club, one of the old employees said to me get a movie and insist that they put chairs in one of the card rooms and put the DVD in the recorder! Bernie said to me it’s never going work. They set up 24 chairs and 86 people came the very first movie night. I had gotten the idea because my mother was showing films in Indian Springs and she got the idea because she started a little film club in her apartment—just like other people who have book clubs. Since my mother knew she was not going to be here much longer she begged me do this! You’ll get people together of all ages. It creates camaraderie, new friends, and a place for single people to go without having to bring anybody with them in a comfort zone. The first two films showed here were the only films I was advised to show by her - the rest I did on my own as far as researching them. I’ll get DVDs from Netflix and watch them. I watch the coming attractions to
other movies and I keep renting and researching. I’ll go to the independent movie theaters in Long Island, especially in Westhamp- ton over the summer and I’ll rent movies from just different sources like Amazon, etc. While everybody else is enjoying themselves playing golf or at the beach most of the times on Sundays, I just relax outside with my dog and I’ll pop in two or three movies and see what I like and probably for every movie I show here I’ve watched five or six others at least. A few years ago we (the kitchen and I) actually did pair the dinners with a country that the movie came from and desserts, but that’s sort of sizzled out, although I enjoyed doing it that way. I also try and make an assortment movie list to include dramas, comedies, Holocaust, and in all different languages. You have to remember even the films that are in English are foreign films - it could be from Canada, England or even down under Australia. It’s not expected for everybody to love every film. I think one of the most interesting films I saw and showed was called “The Square.” Very few people attended that night and very few people stayed, but the ones that stayed until the end thought it was amazing. I try and do the best I can and I hope this continues on for many years, but it will only continue as far as all of the movie viewers keep on watching! And by the way, the reason why I don’t list the titles until last minute is because I want people to come and watch the films together. I will continue the films throughout the summer two times per month.
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Column by Lois Stern
Photography by Andrea Finkel
Lilly is not Declawed
by Marleen Hacker
Lilly Hacker is a 10 year old domestic tabby that was rescued 10 years ago by Marilyn Greenberg and Norma Lippman. Lilly’s mom was a feral wild outdoor cat that gave birth in Iris Leaf’s bushes on Monaco Way. I fostered the mom and her 3 kittens for the next 6 weeks. We found good homes for her siblings, and
we adopted Lilly, as she was very loving. Her mom went to the vet, where she given shots, had her ears clipped, was spayed, and then sent back out- side. Lilly is very sweet, but she has a very bad “scratching” habit, that I’ve been unable to break all these years, and our furniture is proof. I’ve tried yelling, spraying her with water, spraying my sofa with repellent, keeping scratching posts nearby, and keeping her nails short, all to no avail. Then I thought about “declawing”, UNTIL, I did some research. Declawing is not like a manicure. It is
serious surgery and painful! It is actually an amputation of the last bone and along with the bone comes nerves, tendons, joints, and ligaments. It is illegal in many countries, and in Israel punishment is one year imprison- ment and a $20,000 fine. It is prohibited in many cities in California, and Colorado, and New York City and New Jersey are considering a law to ban this practice. Our Governor, Rick Scott, recently signed an “animal abuse law” and I suppose one could say this is a form of abuse. I found an alternative to this problem. Lilly is seen in this photo wearing Soft Claws ( 2 pink and the rest clear). They are lightweight vinyl caps that you glue on their front nails. Ladies, it’s like wearing fake nails, and they last around 6 weeks, and then get reapplied again. Now that’s a kitty manicure. For those of you planning on adopting a new kitten or cat, I hope you do your own research. This surgical procedure called an “Onychectomy” is inhumane. And just so you know, “Declaw Awareness Day" was March 29.
BARNEY GUSHNER is eight months old and Marilyn Gushner is his MOM. She saw him in Boca at a dog facility and fell in love. It was a very spontaneous commitment. She is so happy to have him. Barney is a combination of a maltese and a shih-tzu,
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Valentines are always accepted and it seems this article went awry only to be back to entice us for next year
It was a fun-filled, wild and romantic evening in the main dining room on Valentine’s night. Why you ask? Savannah Jack, the Band, was in the house! The evening started with cocktails and scrumptious hors d’oeuvres followed by a Frenchman’s Creek buffet spread which included such favorites as Grilled Lamb Chops and Beef Tenderloin along with Crab Cakes and Fried Oysters. The dessert was a trio of mouthwatering chocolate created just for the special day. As the lights dimmed, the Entertainment Committee Co-Chairs Judith Konigsberg and Ethel Schultz introduced the evening’s talent—Savannah Jack, the Band, back at Frenchman’s Creek by popular demand. What a surprise. Having opened for Kenny Rogers in excess of sixty-six times as well as other well know musicians such as Vince Gill, the Doobie Brothers, and Lady Antebellum, Savannah Jack hit the floor running from their very first song—a Neil Diamond classic. They mesmerized the audience with their three part vocal harmonies, infusing their musical versatility and individual style into a very unique sound. From the first note to their last, it’s obvious that the band loves making music all the while encouraging their audience to join in the festivities. Dancing and sing-a-longs were a huge part of their performance. On this night, Savan- nah Jack, the Band was a highly entertaining and energetic group of songwriters and musicians commanding a standing ovation! When they return to Frenchman’s Creek again be sure to spend the evening with them. You will not be disappointed!
How is this for service above and beyond. One day during the week of April 9th, Iris Leaf, had wine spilled on her. Pictured is ERGE who not only supplied Wine Out but ran to also get a Hair Dryer and dried her clothing. Of course the four other women joining her could not stop laughing. And to add insult to injury, there was another glass of wine spilled at the end of the evening – No one dared to ask if her clothing was hit again!
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The Homefront column is designed to inform our members where in the community our new residents are living and other
residences they may have. It also keeps up with our present members who have stayed in the community but moved to new
Of course we always wish our members who are moving out of the community good luck wherever their travels take them and our new members and established members good luck in their new address.
We welcome LAURA and JONATHAN MAYBLUM who purchased the Kay home on Parc Drive. They also reside in Armonk, New York.
We Welcome GAIL and JAY KALTMAN who bought Carolyn Goldman and Sydney Polakoff’s home on Verdun Drive. They have been Flori- da residents since 1972, having raised their family in Plantation. They have two children and three grandchildren. In the summer Gail and Jay go to Deer Valley, Park City, Utah. They are excited to be full time members and residents of Frenchman’s Creek.
We Welcome ELIZABETH and JONATHAN CROMPTON who bought Debora Weinstein’s house on Rhone Drive. They have two children, Erica and Jonathan. They will be full time residents of the Creek.
PLEASE remember to watch our FCTV Channel 999 for all the news and events concerning
our community.
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CAREY PACK had a Hole-In One on Thursday, April 19, 2018. It was on Number 2 of the North Course which played at 163 yards. He used a 7 iron.
GLORIA HERMAN had a Hole-In One on Sunday, April 15, 2018. It was on Number 15 of the North Course and played at 90 yards. She used a driver.
JEFFREY STANFIELD had his Hole-In-One on Wednesday, April 25, 2018. It was hole number 13 on the North Course which played at 138 yards. He used an eight iron.
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Flight One Champions: Judy Konigsberg and Debra LaLonde
Flight Two Champions Connie Forman and Ronni Grebow
Flight Three Champions Linda Epstein and Alice Bael
Flight Four Champions Debbie Hornstein and Patty Annunziate
9 is Enough Champions Mady Friedman and Judy Tobin
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An Active Spring for Ladies and Couples Golf
There have been so many great recent golf events for the ladies and couples. The Ladies Color War , with some new aspects, started with a lovely dinner the night before, during which were drawings to determine on which “team,” in which foursome each lady would be playing, and which pro was assigned to each group. The next morning, golf was played in a shamble, best ball net format, with a Stableford net point system. The event climaxed with a wonderful luncheon. The ladies who played in the Ladies Member-Staff Tournament on Thursday, April 19 formed their own foursomes and each group played with a staff member in an 18-hole, step-aside scramble, with one drive required of each player. A lovely buffet luncheon, again with some new luscious choices, followed golf. Continuing a fun traditional Ladies Golf event, more than 55 women signed up for Ladies Night Out on Thursday, April 12. They started with a shotgun tee-off at 4:30, and played a nine-hole, step-aside scramble. Following golf, everyone enjoyed cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, with a great and lively D.J. encouraging everyone to come up and enjoy dancing, as so many did. The music and dancing continued during dinner, which was a delicious buffet with many choices. A lot of fun and dancing continued past dessert, as an enjoyable evening was had by all. Co-chairs Sandy Lamm and Susan Katz did a great job planning this fun event. The last Nine, Wine and Dine of the season was played on Friday, April 20, with another wonderful turnout of 184, and in warm, sunny weather. (Hurrah - no rain – though windy, as seems common this year.) Starting at 4:30, golfers played a nine-hole, step-aside scramble format. A lovely cocktail party and buffet dinner, with lots of choices, completed a very delightful day, with many sorry it was the last tourna- ment of the season for this popular and fun event. Co-chairs Sue Shaw and Robyn Rosenblatt did a great job all year. Many thanks are due to our wonderful golf staff – JR, Rich, Kim, Rocco, Chris, Will and Todd for all they did to make these events run so smoothly. Thanks also to our Martina and her right hand Sue, who made sure all the luncheons, cocktail parties and dinners ran so smoothly and well, and our dining staff, which was superb and so cooperative
BY Mimi Bergel
The Frenchman’s Creek Excursion on March 21 was another delightful experience. After breakfast in the 19 th Hole, the ladies were taken by bus to the Wick Theatre and Museum in Boca Raton. For diversion and amusement on the trip, there was a Bingo game, won by Carole Kirschenbaum and a Frenchman’s Creek quiz, won by Esther Glasser and Gale Salz. Upon arrival, the group was welcomed and given info about the theatre and the costume museum, where each year a different theme is used for the exhibits. The current theme is Bling, referring to the types of costumes shown. There was a tour covering all the magnificent ex- hibits of costumes and dress from so many shows, and a series of Liberace “outfits” which were beautifully outrageous. After the tour and some free time to look more closely and photo as much as desired, everyone had a very nice luncheon in the Tavern at the Wick before heading home from a very enjoyable “excursion.” Many thanks to Adele, who again planned a wonderful day.
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IN TRUE FRENCHMAN’S CREEK STYLE, BIRDIES SAY “BYE BYE” MARK H. HURD As the clock struck 7:00 PM on Saturday, April 21, 2018, the Clubhouse doors swung open, the mem- bers, dressed to the nines strolled in, the drinks were poured, and tasty tidbits were served. What was the special occasion you ask? It was Frenchman’s Creek annual goodbye gala marking the end of another suc- cessful and enjoyable season! This is the time that the snowbirds head north to spend the summer and fall months away from their home here in Frenchman’s Creek. The party is a wonderful opportunity to reminisce about the past season with friends and neighbors. It also affords everyone the chance to say cheerio. The party started in the Reception/Main Bar/Library area with drinks and succulent bites of foods. Hors d’ourve Buffet tables topped with an intricate ice sculpture depicted the “Bye Bye Birdie” theme. Shrimp and crab were served along side oyster shooters, foie gras, caviar, mini grilled cheese sandwiches, and tuna or steak tartar. When the dinner bell rang, guests moved into the main dining room. There they were immediately transported into a world of bright festive colors depicting springtime and a season of joy and happiness. Member Paula Wolfson and her team deserve special thanks for the decorations. Also, a big thank you goes out to our terrific staff and chef. Without their help, this function would not have been possible.
The Colors of Spring Welcome Guests
Ice Sculptures adorn the buffet tables
The Dance Floor is bustling all night
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Member Paula Wolfson and her team deserve special thanks for the decorations. Also, a big thank you goes out to our terrific staff and chef. Without their help, this function would not have been possible. The music started pulsating and the crowd started gyrating. Even before dinner, the dance floor was jammed packed with partyers, to the point that many guests took to the aisle near their table to “trip the light fantas- tic.” The music, provided by Micky Dee and Euphoria, was bright and fresh further enhancing the seasonal theme. Dinner included a refreshing Watermelon Salad and your choice of Rack of Lamb, Filet Mignon, Salm- on, Bronzini, or a Vegan creation. But the highlight of the meal was the Baked Alaska. Served on a multi- colored palate of colorful syrups with white chocolate rounds topped with toasted meringue, the dessert pulled together the evening’s theme in one tasty treat. The celebration was a wonderful and delightful way to say “goodbye” to the 2017-2018 season here at Frenchman’s Creek. IN TRUE FRENCHMAN’S CREEK STYLE, BIRDIES SAY “BYE BYE” CONTINUED
Judith Konigsberg and Ethel Schultz, Entertainment Chairs, Welcome Guests
Mickey Dee and Euphoria Play the HIts all Evening
The Baked Alaska Dessert even carried out the Theme
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Farewell Tennis and Pickleball 2018! By Mark H. Hurd
After dinner, awards were given out to only the Pickleball enthusiasts. The tennis fans did not participate in any tournaments or championships this year (but I’m told that they will next season). The winners were announced and the awards were handed out to the following:
Men’s Doubles: Winners: Abe Kamor and Arnold Mazur; Finalists: Saul Kravecas and Steve Elgort. Women’s Doubles: Winners: Marie Kravecas and Sheila Babich; Finalists: Ann Sternlicht and Connie Forman. Mixed Doubles: Winners: Saul and Marie Kravecas; Finalists: Richard Kirschenbaum and Sheila Babich. By the way, Daniel Myerson, the 2018 Tennis Chairman, received a gift for all of his hard work and commitment to tennis during the year.
Daniel Myerson, 2018 Tennis Chairman,
Receives a Gift from Tikky Sireud and
Kristen Wertenberger
Connie Forman, Ann Sternlicht, Sheila Babich, Marie Kravecas
Tennis and Pickleball Tournament Group Picture
A party would be dull and lifeless without fun and playful music. The evening’s festivities continued with DJ Tom Pollard spinning the tunes. And our own Kristen belted out a song during Karaoke. It is nice to see that you can take the Tennis and Pickleball players off the court and when you do, they have a wild and crazy time.
Continue on page 13
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Farewell Tennis and Pickleball 2018!
Continued from page 12
Tennis and Pickleball players here at Frenchman’s work very hard during the season playing their particular sport. They are competitive and take their games very seriously. So what better way to let their hair down than by having an end of the season party. And these players can party! As the sun set on Friday, April 13 the men and women of Tennis and Pickleball put their rackets and paddles down, dressed in their Sunday best, and headed to the Clubhouse Bar for an evening of fun.
The Director of Tennis, Tikky Sireud, and Head Professional, Kristen Wertenberger greeted people as they arrived.
Cocktails of choice were served along with a lavish table of delec- table hors d’oeuvres. Tasty tidbits were also passed around among the guests. The sports related con- versations revolved around those “missed shots” or whether the ball was “in” or “out” during a match. A luscious buffet was served following cocktails.
Cocktails and Hors d’oeuvres were served in the Main Clubhouse Bar
Everyone enjoyed the scrumptious buffet which included Surf and Turf
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By Mimi Bergel
It doesn't seem possible that another FCLGA season has officially ended. (Not to worry-Tuesday ladies golf will still continue). On closing day, April 25, a large turnout of ladies played, in beautiful weather, a nine hole, ABCD step-aside scramble. The teams were divided into four flights that more than covered both courses. As is traditional, the closing luncheon followed golf, with the addition of members who were not able to take part in the scramble. To start off, a general meeting was held and members voted to accept the revised by-laws presented by the board. Chair Wendi Adler welcomed everyone and summed up the year in a delightful manner, by singing a very clever song she had written to the tune of “Nothing Like A Dame,” As favors, everyone received a beautiful jeweled ball marker necklace. Our wonderful golf staff was again thanked for all they’ve done throughout the year to make it such an enjoyable success. All the winners and runner-ups of the various tournament championships were presented with their trophies. Again our dining staff and chef did a wonderful job of making sure the luncheon went smoothly. Luncheon Chairs, Suzanne Speiser and Ellen Lattman did an excellent job of planning a lovely day. Everyone looks forward to next season.
We never published the Ladies Member-Member Tournament winners and the special Prizes awarded at the closing luncheon. BIRDIE CHAMPS were: BRENDA BROWN and SHARON STRONGIN MOST IMPROVED GOLFER: LINDA PACK
Ladies Member/Member
Flight 1
Flight 4
Champion: Judy Konigsberg & Debra LaLonde
Champion: Patty Annunziata & Debbie Horn- stein
Runner-up: Linda Robins & Sharon Strongin
Runner-up: Wendy Dinner & Roz Fanaroff
Flight 2
“9” is Enough
Champion: Connie Forman & Ronni Grebow Runner-up: Kathy Azeez & Ann Cohen
Champion: Mady Friedman & Judy Tobin
Runner-up: Carol Schulman & Marjorie Yashar
Flight 3
Champion: Alice Bael & Linda Epstein
Runner-up: Evelyn Gutkin & Merel Cherry
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by Marleen Hacker
“Club Championship Week” at Frenchman’s Creek began on Saturday, March 10 with round one of the Men’s Club Championship. Later that afternoon, there was a pairings cocktail party for all flights, for both men and women. The Ladies Club Championship began the following Tuesday, with round 2 on Thursday, and the final round was completed by Saturday. The men’s matches were held on Monday, and Friday, and the final round was the next day. Championship Week concluded on Sunday, March 18, with the “Couples Championship” with 48 participants, followed by a wonderful sit down dinner, awards, and dancing to the music of AdamAustin. It was a great way to end this exciting week of competitive golf matches and eliminations, and to thank all who participated and supported Men’s Golf and Frenchman’s Creek Ladies Golf Association. Many thanks to Food and Beverage for all their planning, and of course to the Pro Shop Staff, Pros, and our terrific caddies, all under the guidance of our Director of Golf, J.R. Congdon. Eric Becker defended his title and became the Men’s Club Champion with Dick Adler as the runner up. Flight one winner was Carey Pack and runner up was Eric Wolf. Flight 2 winner was Jeffrey Parker, and Paul Konigsberg was the runner up. Michael Slosberg won Flight 3, and Bruce Levy was the runner up. Dr. Larry Robbins won Flight 4, and Allan Eisinger was the runner up. Randy Siler defeated Jenifer Weintraub and won her third Ladies Club Championship. Flight 2 winner was Lisette Siegel and runner up was Sharon Rochlin. Linda Pack won Flight 3, and Georgianna Cotton was the runner up.
The 2018 Couples Champions were David and Robyn Rosenblatt, who won with a very exciting one hole sudden death playoff against Wendi and Dick Adler.
The net champions were Suzanne Speiser and Jeff Marcus.
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Frenchman’s Creek Community mourns the loss of our following member
W.C. BILL MARTIN who lived at 2010 La Porte Drive and was a resident since 2003. Our heartfelt sympathies to his beloved wife, Michele and their family.
At the LOIS and SONNY STERN residence on Loire : We entrusted the gardeners to help us. The newly hatched 9 ducklings were all in the pool when I came home at 2:30. We used pool scooper (leaves) and put them close to the spa and they were able to jump in. We scooped all nine up at one time and took them over to the stream behind 10th hole south. Mommy and baby ducklings hopefully will survive and find food. The wonder of nature at Frenchman’s.
We are happy to announce that LOUISE ALBERT is going to be in charge of a new Column for FC LIFE. Many of our residents have done marvelous things with their gar- dens. Therefore, we would like to start a section of Frenchman’s Life where pictures and explanations of your unique gardens can be shared with our community. So we look for- ward to submissions by those of our members who would like to contribute and each
issue will give a vicarious pleasure to all when we experience your garden. Please remember, this is about your garden and your contribution. Kindly E-mail me at LBA2OR@aol.com and in subject box your name. Thank you– I look forward to hearing from our “gardeners” of Frenchman’s.
Club News Staff
Editor Bobbe Wiener
Correspondents Louise Albert, Mimi Bergel, Shirley Goldberg, Marleen Hacker, Mark H. Hurd
Myrna Leven, Norma Lippman, Joan Siegel, Lois Stern, Judy Tobin
Andrea Finkel
Technical Support Mai Fung
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