Dear FC Members,
We’re delighted to invite you to our upcoming Charity Foundation weekend where funds collected will help us provide in excess of $500,000+ in grants to close to 25 nonprofit organizations located primarily in Palm Beach Gardens, Juno Beach and Jupiter. These charities support cultural programs, community and social services and educational programs which promote the well being of our nearby populations in need. These organizations are fully vetted by our allocations committee which includes accountants who review each charity’s annual tax records. The goal of the weekend is to make philanthropy fun and simultaneously show that we are the “Community that Cares.”
Best, Donna Smolens, Chair Amy Hollander, Vice-chairs Patti Raber Max, Emeritus
West Jupiter Community Center Camp counselor and program supplies, summer camp scholarships Jupiter Medical Center Foundation Histology slider dryers El Sol ESL programs supporting literacy Furry Friends - Humane Society Training of service, emotional supports dogs for veterans and first responders ARC of Palm Beach County Inc. Classroom equipment and teachers’ supplies First Tee Golf program for children with special needs, Student assist devices The Learning Center (Ernie Els) Ten iPads with Cases POST - Pediatric Oncology Support Team Social and healing outings for children with cancer Allamanda Elementary Art Program for Exceptional Students and Read with Me program Mind, Music, Movement Programs aimed at individuals with neurodegenerative diseases Connections Programs for low income children with autism
Palm Beach Gardens Recreation Department Provide free family concerts Palm Beach Gardens Fire and Rescue Pending Palm Beach Gardens Police Department 6 Handheld Speed Radar Units Alzheimer’s Community Care Specialized Alzheimer’s daycare scholarships Grove Park Elementary School International Baccalaureate Spanish Program for low-income children Palm Beach Gardens High School Programs for children with disabilities Wounded Veterans Relief Fund Emergency financial assistance for veterans Town of Juno Beach Celestial Way compass renovation Loggerhead Marinelife Center Oceans of Opportunity Program, educational program for low income children Minding Your Mind Mental health programs in schools, Boys and Girls Clubs and community centers Jacob’s Shoes Shoes and schools supplies for low income children Busch Wildlife Sanctuary Junior Naturalist Program and Sanctuary operations
Thank you in advance for your participation and donation to Frenchman’s Creek Charity Weekend!
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