DRAFT - Update on Facilities Brochure_3_23_22v3


ABOUT OUR ALTERNATIVE FACILITIES PROJECTS The goal of this brochure is to keep the Members of Frenchman’s Creek informed about the status of the various facilities projects underway. This brochure has been created to give a visual look of the progress and placement to date. There are over 40 structures that are being erected to support the Club in preparation for the demolition of the clubhouse and the construction of the new clubhouse. Coordination with the City of Palm Beach Gardens and local service providers such as Florida Power & Light, Teco for Natural Gas, Seacoast Utilities for sewer and water, Hotwire for Internet, and I-Power for Computer and Point of Sale Capability is on going. Construction plans, structures and infrastructure must be reviewed and inspected by seven municipal departments such as Building, Engineering, Forestry, Police, Fire, Seacoast Utilities and Zoning. Dates stated in this brochure are current best estimates. Updates for members on all projects will be provided every 2 to 3 weeks in the Daily Communication Email.


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