Community Rules and Regulations Highlights 2023-2024


1. All guests must sign in with the Fitness Staff prior to working out.

2. In peak holiday season (which in the 2023-24 season is December 16 – January 7), guests may not use the Fitness Center between the hours of 7 and 10am except for Group Fitness and Aqua Fitness classes (subject to availability).

3. Children under the age of 13 are not permitted in the Fitness Center, and children under the age of 16 be under direct adult supervision.

4. Cardio equipment may be used for a maximum of 30 minutes when someone is waiting.

5. The Director of the Fitness Center, or a designated representative, is empowered to restrict or suspend any member or guest from using equipment in an unsafe manner.

6. All equipment is to be returned to its proper location after use.

7. Towels and robes are only for use at Club property and are not for in home use. Any towels and robes removed from the facilities must be returned within 48 hours.


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