Final Booklet V1
MESSAGE FROM THE RENOVATION SUBCOMMITTEE Dear Members, Thank you so much for the opportunity to present this outstanding plan for a reimagined clubhouse. It is referred to as a “substantial renovation”, but it is so much more. As you read, look, and listen, you will understand why we believe so strongly in this plan. Please remember that three years ago our community voted to support a renovation. A group of Members suggested another possible solution, and as our bylaws permitted, the renovation vote was rescinded. The Board of Governors promised to provide the community with two alternatives for a clubhouse in need of change. The development of two plans was intended to respect and provide Members with the choice they were seeking. This planning process enabled us to thoroughly study, listen, and respond to the needs of our Members, management and staff. Unexpectedly, COVID-19 gave us additional insight in our plan development. With this presentation you will see the culmination of additions, modifications, enhancements, corrections, insight, and respect for our Membership and staff. Many of you have wondered why you already know so much about the New Clubhouse project and so little about the Renovation project. The Renovation project team did not feel the necessity to pre-sell or line up support in advance. Once you have perused this brochure, we welcome your questions and comments. WE WILL REACH OUT TO YOU IN THE WEEKS TO COME. Please feel free to reach out to us as well. After the outcome of this arduous process is determined, we wish for acceptance, understanding and congeniality among the Members of our community. We are proud to present this renovation design to you that transforms the current clubhouse to remain the hub for socialization—a critical element of the magic that is Frenchman’s Creek. The visual impact of the expansion and substantial renovation will be that of a brand-new facility. The décor, furnishings, fixtures, and finishes will be first class and visually as impressive as the new clubhouse design. We urge you to get the facts and make an informed decision for how your money is invested in our future.
THE RENOVATION SUBCOMMITTEE Martin Cohen, Chairman James Anchin
Alan Fuirst Larry Kleinberg Arthur Lerner Ellen Levine
Steve Bernstein Michael Eigner Liam Egan
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