3. Article V. Section 3 (D) of the By-Laws is hereby deleted and replaced with the following:

(D) The candidates receiving the highest number of votes at the Annual Meeting shall fill the regular three (3) year terms. The candidate(s) receiving the next highest number of votes shall be elected to fill the unexpired term(s) of vacating Board of Governors members in descending order until a full slate is elected.

4. Article VI. Section 3 (C) of the By-Laws t he words “ seven (7) ” are hereby deleted and replaced with “ five (5) ” each time they occur .

(C) A Special Meeting of the Board of Governors must be called in the event five (5) governors request such a meeting in writing to the President setting forth the agenda and timing for said Meeting. The President shall be required, within two (2) business days, to schedule a Special Meeting as provided by the applicable By-Laws. If the President chooses not to call a Special Meeting, the five (5) Board members have the option to convene a Special Meeting in accordance with the written request submitted and such meeting shall be governed by and subject to these By-Laws and applicable Florida Statutes. Only one (1) Special meeting request may be submitted by these five (5) governors for the same or similar matter during the Board’s current term .


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